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SOURCE: 1840 Census of Pensioners Revolutionary or Military Services;
With the names, ages, and places of residence
Returned by the marshalls of the several judicial districts; under
The Act for Taking the Sixth Census
Typed and Reformatted By: Kathy Leigh, February 15, 2001
[1] Unable to read a portion of the page and all I could read was "ington" and believe that the town was Limington through a process of elimination in that county.
[2] Same as [1]; could read "merick"
[3] Town of Bowdoin listed in Lincoln Co, is now in Sagadahoc Co.
# Had died since July 1
A - D E - H I - L M - P Q - T U - Z
First Name | Last Name | Age | Head of Household | City | County | Possible Name Variation |
Han*** | ***** | 77 | Hannah Lord | Limmerick[2] | York | |
**sia* | ***** | 78 | Joseph Berry | Limmerick[2] | York | |
****** | ****** | 76 | Jacob Rhodes | Lyman | York | |
****** | ****** | 89 | Limington[1] | York | ||
****** | ****** | 82 | Limington[1] | York | ||
****** | ****** | 74 | Limington[1] | York | ||
****** | ****** | 85 | Limington[1] | York | ||
Ida | ****** | 76 | Limington[1] | York | ||
L*ds | ****** | 70 | Limington[1] | York | ||
Libb* | ****** | 76 | Libby Harvey | Limington[1] | York | |
Lo*** | ****** | 76 | Rufus Meserve | Limington[1] | York | |
Jose** | ****** | 78 | Ambrose P. Rose | Limington[1] | York | |
D****** | ****** | 80 | Daniel Small | Limington[1] | York | |
****** | ****** | 82 | Ebenezer Sawyer | Limington[1] | York | |
Mar* | ****** | 79 | Mary Leavitt | Limmerick[2] | York | |
****** | ******d | 72 | Joanna Littlefield | Lyman | York | |
Sarah | *****ell | 84 | Stillman Getchell | Machias | Washington | |
****** | *****k | 84 | Limington[1] | York | ||
Ca**** | *****n | 94 | Joshua Spencer | Limington[1] | York | |
Dani*** | *****n | 75 | Daniel Warren | Limmerick[2] | York | |
Spe**** | *****s | 76 | Spencer Thomas | Limington[1] | York | |
****** | ****kett | 78 | Limington[1] | York | ||
Eliza**** | ****ll | 81 | Elizabeth Small | Limington[1] | York | |
****** | ****rly | 79 | Limington[1] | York | ||
****** | ***berts | 88 | Love Robberts | Lebanon | York | Roberts |
Nath*** | ***by | 77 | Nathaniel Libby, Esq. | Limmerick[2] | York | |
Wa*** | ***gins | 75 | Limington[1] | York | Wiggins | |
Deb*** | ***inson | 77 | Eliakim Robinson | Limington[1] | York | |
**iza**** | ***thby | 80 | Elizabeth Boothby | Limmerick[2] | York | |
James | Eames | 78 | James Eames | Newry | Oxford | Ames |
Jacob | Eastman | 77 | Jacob E****** | Parsonsfield | York | Eastmon |
Daniel | Eastman | 83 | Daniel Eastman | Cornish | York | Eastmon |
Zechariah | Eastman | 95 | Zechariah Eastman | Scarborough | Cumberland | Eastmon |
Sarah | Eastmon | 78 | Fryeburg | Oxford | Eastman | |
William | Eaton | 85 | William Eaton | Wells | York | |
Eliab | Eaton | 77 | Joshua T. Eaton | Strong | Franklin | |
Celia | Eddy | 78 | William Cook | Eddington | Penobscot | Cooke |
Thomas | Edes | 78 | Emery Edes | Otisfield | Cumberland | Eads |
Eunice | Edmuns | 83 | Belfast | Waldo | Edmunds | |
Joshua | Elder | 76 | Dexter | Penobscot | ||
Jacob | Elliott | 77 | Jacob Elliott | Falmouth | Cumberland | Eliot; Elliot |
Jedediah | Elliott | 79 | John Elliot | Windram | Cumberland | Eliot; Eliott |
Robert | Ellis | 74 | Carey Ellis | Sidney | Kennebec | |
Jeremiah | Elwell | 50 | Jeremiah Elwell | Poland | Cumberland | |
Samuel | Emerson | 76 | Samuel Emerson | Kennebunk | York | |
Joseph | Emery | 63 | Alexander Emery | Montville | Waldo | |
Abigail | Emery | 80 | Caleb Emery | Fairfield | Somerset | |
John | Emery | 87 | Samuel Pollard | Bloomfield | Somerset | |
James P. | Evans | 68 | James P. Evans | Gardener | Kennebec | |
William | Eveans | 75 | Fryeburg | Oxford | Evans | |
Josiah | Everett | 80 | Josiah Everett | New Portland | Somerset | |
Lydia | Fairbanks | 74 | George W. Fairbanks | Wayne | Kennebec | |
John | Fanin | 80 | John Fanin | Bath | Lincoln | |
John | Fannington | 83 | John Fannington | Brewer | Penobscot | |
Ralph | Farnham | 84 | Ralph Farnham | Acton | York | |
Dorcas | Farnham | 85 | John Farnham | Boothbay | Lincoln | |
Nathaniel | Farnham | 83 | Nathaniel Farnham | Mercer | Somerset | |
Abigail | Farnsworth | 90 | James Trobridge | Waldoboro | Lincoln | Trowbridge |
Simeon | Farnum | 85 | Newburg | Penobscot | ||
Ithamas | Farrington | 84 | Ithamas Farrington | Livermore | Oxford | |
Abner | Farrington | 88 | Thomas Mallet | Warren | Lincoln | |
William | Farris | 81 | William Farris | China | Kennebec | Ferris |
Joseph | Felker | 80 | Joseph Felker | Embden | Somerset | |
Richard | Fennin | 79 | Elenor Dow | Litchfield | Kennebec | |
Elizabeth | Fernald | 79 | Hiram Fernald | Elliot | York | |
Lucy | Fickett | 88 | John Fickett | Cape Elizabeth | Cumberland | |
Zebulon | Fickett | 81 | Zebulon Fickett | Harrington | Washington | |
Rachel | Field | 88 | Paul Winthworth | Greenwood | Oxford | |
Ruby | Field | 81 | Galen Field | Paris | Oxford | |
Thomas | Fields | 90 | Thomas Fields | New Sharon | Franklin | |
John | Fifield | 78 | Fryeburg | Oxford | ||
Esther | Files | 70-80 | Esther Files | Gorham | Cumberland | |
Thomas | Fillebrown | 76 | Thomas Fillebrown | Winthrop | Kennebec | |
Simeon | Fish | 68 | Simeon Fish | Patricktown Plantation | Lincoln | |
Jacob | Fisher | 78 | Jacob Fisher | Kennebunk | York | |
Elijah | Fisher | 82 | Elijah Fisher, Jr. | Livermore | Oxford | |
Abigail | Fitts | 89 | John Smith | Litchfield | Kennebec | |
Samuel A. | Flagg | 78 | John Flagg | Nobleborough | Lincoln | |
Philip | Flanders | 82 | Phineas Warren | Freedom | Waldo | |
*****beth | Fletcher | 68 | Cyrus Fletcher | Sumner | Oxford | |
Levi | Flint | 86 | David Pratt | Clinton | Kennebec | |
Hannah | Fogg | 60-70 | Hannah Fogg | Gorham | Cumberland | |
George | Fogg | 73 | George Fogg | Wales | Kennebec | |
Samuel | Fogg | 83 | Samuel Fogg | Cornville | Somerset | |
William | Forbes | 78 | William Forbes | Bangor | Penobscot | |
****les | Ford | 82 | Charles Ford | Sumner | Oxford | |
Joseph | Foss | 81 | Samuel Foss | Dixfield and Peru | Oxford | |
Parker | Foster | 79 | Parker Foster | Elliot | York | |
Stephen | Foster | 74 | Stephen ****** | Leeds | Kennebec | |
Matthew | Fowler | 77 | Matthew Fowler | Unity | Waldo | |
Moses | Foye | 79 | Moses Foye, Jr. | Berwick | York | |
John | Freeman | 80 | John Freeman | Monmouth | Kennebec | |
Sampson | Freeman | 75 | Sampson Freeman | Waterville | Kennebec | |
William | French | 78 | William French | Canton | Oxford | |
Sarah | French | 93 | Charles French | Turner | Oxford | |
Mary | French | 82 | Nancy French | Jay | Franklin | |
Elliot | Frost | 79 | Elliot Frost | Elliot | York | |
Sarah | Frost | 76 | Joshua Frost | Elliot | York | |
Phinehas | Frost | 46 | Phinehas Frost | Bethel | Oxford | |
Aaron | Fuller | 83 | Aaron Fuller | Otisfield | Cumberland | |
Mary | Fuller | 89 | Hebron | Oxford | ||
Hannah | Fuller | 85 | James Chaples | Cushing | Lincoln | |
William | Fuller | 79 | William Fuller | Gardener | Kennebec | |
Enoch | Fuller | 85 | Winslow | Kennebec | ||
Louis | Gage | 81 | Amos Gage | Waterford | Oxford | |
Daniel | Gage | 79 | Daniel Gage | Bethel | Oxford | |
Joshua | Gammon | 78 | George Webster | Cape Elizabeth | Cumberland | |
Joseph | Gammond | 76 | Seba Gammond | Norway | Oxford | |
Sarah | Gardner | 73 | Hiram Coburn | Buckfield | Oxford | |
John | Gardner | 79 | John Gardner | Oxford | Oxford | |
Josiah | Garham | 80 | Josiah Gorham | Edgecomb | Lincoln | |
William | Gatchell | 84 | William Gatchell | Brunswick | Cumberland | |
Mary | Gawen | 73 | James Goodwin | Wells | York | |
Andrew | Gentner | 81 | Andrew Genter | Waldoboro | Lincoln | |
Margaret | George | 78 | John Ruggles | Thomaston | Lincoln | |
Francis | George | 77 | Francis George | Leeds | Kennebec | |
Seth | Getchell | 86 | Susan Stackp*** | Waterville | Kennebec | Stackpole |
Pelatiah | Gibbs | 83 | Isaac Noyes | Livermore | Oxford | |
Samuel | Gilbert | 78 | Samuel Gilbert | Buckfield | Oxford | |
Benjamin | Gilbreth | 56 | Benjamin Gilbreth | Augusta | Kennebec | |
John | Gilford | 76 | John Gilford | Hollis | York | |
Joseph | Gillpatrick | 77 | Joseph Gillpatrick | Kennebunk | York | Gilpatrick |
Sarah | Gilman | 82 | Nathaniel Gilman, Jr. | Waterville | Kennebec | |
David | Gilman | 75 | Newburg | Penobscot | ||
Samuel | Gilmore | 77 | Samuel Gilmore | Brewer | Penobscot | |
Joshua | Gilpatrick | 82 | Benjamin Goodwin | Lyman | York | Gillpatrick |
Eliphalet | Ginings | 75 | Farmington | Franklin | ||
Nathaniel | Gitchel | 79 | Nathaniel Gitchel | Northport | Waldo | |
Consider | Glass | 81 | Consider Glass | Guilford | Piscataquis | |
Arnold | Glid*en | 87 | Samuel Cram | Howland | Penobscot | Glidden |
Samuel | Godding | 80 | Allen Bangs | Poland | Cumberland | |
James | Goff | 80 | William Goff | Minot | Cumberland | Goffe |
Timothy | Goldthwait | 78 | Timothy Goldthwait | Augusta | Kennebec | Goldthwaite |
John | Goodin | 77 | Hebron | Oxford | ||
John | Goodmon | 89 | Alpheus Spring | Hiram | Oxford | Goodman |
Eunice | Goodwin | 72 | John Lard | Sanford | York | |
Amaziah | Goodwin | 77 | James Goodwin | Lyman | York | |
Mary | Goodwin | 76 | Mary Goodwin | Lebanon | York | |
***e* | Goodwin | 79 | Reuben Goodwin | Lebanon | York | |
Ruth | Goodwin | 74 | Ruth Goodwin | Lebanon | York | |
George | Goodwin | 77 | A. D. Goodwin | Avon | Franklin | |
Stephen | Googins | 86 | Alexander Googins | Saco | York | |
Alexander | Goold | 88 | Alexander Goold | Elliot | York | Gould |
John | Goold | 85 | Hiram Goold | Elliot | York | Gould |
Josiah | Gordin | 83 | Industry | Franklin | ||
Joseph | Gordon | 81 | Belfast | Waldo | ||
Daniel | Gould | 86 | Daniel Gould | Rumford | Oxford | |
Levi | Gould | 54 | Otis Smith, Jr. | Charleston | Penobscot | |
Lucy | Gould | 79 | William W. Dismore | Norridgewock | Somerset | |
Silas | Gould | 83 | Perham Gould | Wilton | Franklin | |
Martha | Gove | 69 | Martha Gove | Lubec | Washington | |
****** | Gowell | -- | Wentworth Goodwin | Lebanon | York | |
John | Grace | 79 | Moses Grace | Saco | York | |
Huldah | Grace | 78 | Joshua Purrington | Bath | Lincoln | |
Sarah | Graffam | 81 | Joseph Graffam | Brunswick | Cumberland | |
Daniel | Granger | 78 | Daniel Granger | Eastport | Washington | |
Silas | Grant | 86 | Peter Grant | Lyman | York | |
Abigail | Grant | 84 | Joshua Grant, Jr. | York | York | |
John | Greelaw | 74 | John Greenlaw | Brownfield | Oxford | |
Benjamin | Greenleaf | 80 | Benjamin Greenleaf | Wiscasset | Lincoln | |
John | Greenleaf | 84 | John Greenleaf | Starks | Somerset | |
James | Greer | 81 | James Greer | Belmont | Waldo | |
Luther | Gregory | 60 | Luther Gregory | Montville | Waldo | |
Benjamin | Gross | 85 | Benjamin Gross, Jr. | Bucksport | Hancock | |
Elizabeth | Grover | 85 | Edsel Grover | Weld | Franklin | |
Samuel | Gurney | 76 | Samuel Gurney | Cape Elizabeth | Cumberland | |
Jacob | Gurney | 76 | Hebron | Oxford | ||
David | Halbrook | 75 | David Halbrook | Prospect | Waldo | Holbrook |
Benjamin | Hale | 77 | Benjamin Hale | Waterford | Oxford | |
Israel | Hale | 80 | Israel Hale | Waterford | Oxford | |
Oliver | Hale | 79 | Oliver Hale | Waterford | Oxford | |
Charles | Hall | 85 | Jonathan Burnell | Baldwin | Cumberland | |
Elizabeth | Hall | 70 | Elizabeth Hall | Brunswick | Cumberland | |
Levi | Hall | -- | James Hall | Washington | Lincoln | |
Hannah | Hall | 77 | Nathaniel F. N***** | China | Kennebec | |
Isaac | Hall | 94 | William Huntt | Georgetown | Lincoln | Hunt |
Rhoda | Hall | 70 | Belfast | Waldo | ||
Isaac | Hall | 86 | Isaac Hall | Knox | Waldo | |
Elisha | Hallet | 82 | Jonathan Hallet | Waterville | Kennebec | |
Solomon | Hallet | 86 | Solomon Hallet | Waterville | Kennebec | |
Mary | Hallowell | 85 | John Hallowell | Windsor | Kennebec | |
Nathaniel | Ham | 85 | John Woodside, 2d | Brunswick | Cumberland | |
John | Ham | 81 | Joshua Rayban | Leeds | Kennebec | |
John | Hamilton | 75 | John Hamilton | Waterborough | York | |
Jonathan | Hamilton | 85 | Abraham Henderson | North Berwick | York | |
William | Hamilton | 78 | William Hamilton | North Yarmouth | Cumberland | |
Josiah | Hammon | 77 | Corinna | Penobscot | ||
Lucy | Handy | 77 | Charles Heath | Berlin | Franklin | |
Daniel | Haney | 86 | Amos Young | Greenwood | Oxford | |
Robert | Hanscom | 77 | Sally Hanscom | Kennebunk Port | York | |
Nathan | Hanscom | 93 | Seth Carson | Avon | Franklin | |
Uriah | Hanscomb | 69 | Felard Davis | Lyman | York | |
Phebe | Harden | 83 | Seth Hardin | Unity | Waldo | |
Elizabeth | Harkness | 76 | Robert Harkness | Camden | Waldo | |
Sylvanus | Harlow | 79 | Plymouth | Penobscot | Harlowe | |
William | Harmon | 78 | William Harmon | Standish | Cumberland | |
John | Harris | 75 | John Harris | Bowdoin | Lincoln[3] | |
John | Hart | 78 | John Hart, Jr. | Atkinson | Piscataquis | |
Oliver | Hartwell | 80 | Stetson | Penobscot | ||
Edward | Hartwell | 93 | Samuel Hartwell | St. Albans | Somerset | |
James | Harvey | 78 | James Harvey | Bradford | Penobscot | |
Davis | Hasgatt | 89 | Davis Hasgatt | Mount Desert | Hancock | |
Josiah | Haskell | 80 | Josiah Haskell | Thomaston | Lincoln | Haskill |
Mary | Haskill | 83 | Nathaniel Haskill | Knox | Waldo | Haskell |
David | Hatch | 79 | David Hatch | Wells | York | |
Samuel | Hatch | 84 | Samuel Ray | Minot | Cumberland | |
Ann | Hatch | 84 | Fryeburg | Oxford | ||
Philip | Hatch | 86 | Philip Hatch | Bristol | Lincoln | |
Walter | Hatch | 82 | Belfast | Waldo | ||
Joseph | Haws | 87 | Joseph Hodge | Minot | Cumberland | Hawes |
Jonathan | Hayden | 77 | Isaac McKenney | Madison | Somerset | |
Amos M. | Hayes | 85 | Amos M. Hayes | North Yarmouth | Cumberland | |
William | Hayford | 78 | William Hayford | Hartford | Oxford | |
Simeon | Haynes | 82 | Simeon Haynes | Swanville | Waldo | Haines |
Susanna | Hayward | 65 | Ambrose Hayward | Sidney | Kennebec | |
Jacob | Hazen | 78 | Edmund Hanson | Bridgton | Cumberland | |
Hannah | Hazen | 65 | Hannah Hazen | Gardener | Kennebec | |
James W. | Head | 74 | James W. Head | Warren | Lincoln | |
Levi | Heall | 83 | Nobleborough | Lincoln | ||
John | Hearl | 85 | John Hearl | South Berwick | York | |
Isaac | Heath | 83 | Whitefield | Lincoln | ||
William | Heath | 76 | William Heath | Mount Desert | Hancock | |
Charles | Heavner | 81 | Charles Heavner | Waldoboro | Lincoln | |
Benjamin | Henderson | 86 | Thomas Smith | Webster | Lincoln | |
Sarah | Henick | 76 | Joseph Hay | Portland-1st Ward | Cumberland | |
Oliver | Herrick | 57 | Oliver Herrick | Lewiston | Lincoln | |
Zadok | Hersey | 88 | Zadok Hersey, Jr. | Pembroke | Washington | |
****ni** | Hersom | 77 | Nathaniel Hersom | Lebanon | York | |
Elizabeth | Heselton | 85 | Joseph Heselton | Winthrop | Kennebec | Hazelton |
Cornelius | Heyer | 88 | Cornelius Heyer | Waldoboro | Lincoln | |
Edmund | Higgins | 83 | Edmund Higgins | Scarborough | Cumberland | |
Lucy | Hilborn | 89 | Ira Hilborn | Minot | Cumberland | Hillborn; Hilborne |
Rebecca | Hill | 76 | William Fogg | Elliot | York | |
Noah | Hill | 50-60 | Noah Hill | Hollis | York | |
Joseph | Hilton | 85 | Joseph Hilton | Wells | York | |
William | Hilton | 81 | Solon | Somerset | ||
William H. | Hilton | 80 | William Fox | Cornville | Somerset | |
Edith | Hinckley | 74 | Robert W. Hinckley | Bluehill | Hancock | Hinckly |
Samuel | Hinds | 80 | Samel Hinds | St. George | Lincoln | |
Abigail | Hobbs | 72 | James Hobbs | Wells | York | |
Josiah | Hobbs | 77 | Josiah Hobbs | Falmouth | Cumberland | |
Stephen | Hodgdon | 82 | Stephen Hodgdon | Gilead | Oxford | |
Caleb | Hodgdon | 87 | Thomas Hodgdon | Westport | Lincoln | |
Abigail | Hodgkins | 80 | Samuel Crowell | Bath | Lincoln | Crowel; Crowl |
Benjamin | Hodsdon | 83 | Andrew Hodsdon | Falmouth | Cumberland | Hodson |
Margaret | Hoffses | 88 | James Hoffses | Waldoboro | Lincoln | |
Nathaniel | Hoit | 45 | Nathaniel Hoit | Edenburg | Penobscot | Hoyt |
Daniel | Holden | 76 | Luther Holden | Sweden | Oxford | |
Joseph | Holland | 79 | Joseph Holland | Vienna | Kennebec | |
Park | Holland | 87 | Park Holland | Eddington | Penobscot | |
Gersham | Holmes | 75 | Gershom D. Holmes | Minot | Cumberland | Holms |
Mercy | Holmes | 70 | Mercy Holmes | Hartford | Oxford | |
Lydia | Holt | 76 | Hiram Holt | Bethel | Oxford | |
Darius | Holt | 76 | Pleamon Holt | Norway | Oxford | |
Rachael | Hooper | 89 | Freeport | Cumberland | ||
Solomon | Hopkins | 85 | Hannah Cole | Biddeford | York | |
Martha | Hopkins | 69 | Richard Hopkins | Camden | Waldo | |
Jonathan | Horn | 85 | Simon Ross | Shapleigh | York | |
Daniel | Horn | 88 | Frederick Horn | Acton | York | |
Jonathan | Horsaw | 89 | Jonathan Horsaw | Berwick | York | |
Thomas | House | 65 | John Woodside, 2d | Brunswick | Cumberland | |
Joseph | Howard | 81 | Richard Paine | Brownfield | Oxford | Payne |
Uriah | Howard | 77 | Darius Howard | Phillips | Franklin | |
Mary | Howe | 81 | James Richards | Temple | Franklin | |
Sylvenus | Hows | 77 | Sylvenus Hows | Vassalborough | Kennebec | Howes |
Jonathan | Hubbard | 78 | John Lord | Acton | York | |
Mary | Hubbard | 75 | Mary Hubbard | Paris | Oxford | |
Mehitable | Hubbard | 85 | Corinna | Penobscot | ||
Daniel | Huff | 86 | Daniel Huff | Kennebunk Port | York | |
Daniel | Huff | 80 | Daniel Huff | Edgecomb | Lincoln | |
Moses | Huff | 76 | Moses Huff | Edgecomb | Lincoln | |
Abigail | Hunnewell | 78 | Ebenezer Howe | Standish | Cumberland | Honeywell |
William | Hunter | 76 | Obadiah E. Frost | Topsham | Lincoln | |
Thomas | Hunter | 69 | Thomas Hunter | Clinton Gore | Kennebec | |
James | Hursey | 82 | James Hursey | Sumner | Oxford | |
John | Hurton | 77 | John Hurton | Sanford | York | |
Abigail | Hutchens | 87 | Abigail Hutchens | Waterborough | York | Hutchins |
William | Hutchings | 75 | William Hutchings | Penobscot | Hancock | |
Asa | Hutchinson | 89 | Asa Hutchinson | Fayette | Kennebec | |
Mary | Hutchinson | 81 | Robert Patten, Jr. | Litchfield | Kennebec | Patton |
Searchable images of the original census are available online at: