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SOURCE: 1840 Census of Pensioners Revolutionary or Military Services;
With the names, ages, and places of residence
Returned by the marshalls of the several judicial districts; under
The Act for Taking the Sixth Census
Typed and Reformatted By: Kathy Leigh, March 11, 2001
A - D E - H I - L M - P Q - T U - Z
First Name | Last Name | Age | Head of Household | City | County | Possible Name |
Archibald | Mack | 87 | Archibald Mack | Windham | Windham | |
John | Macomber | 80 | John Macomber | Essex | Chittenden | |
George | Magars | 85 | George Magars | Fairfax | Franklin | |
Edward | Magoon | 83 | Edward M. Magoon | Wheelock | Caledonia | |
John | Magoon | 75 | John Magoon | Pownal | Bennington | |
Peter V. | Mahew | 89 | Paul Bickford | Corinth | Orange | |
John | Mallard | 77 | Samuel Mace | Weathersfield | Windsor | |
Elizabeth | Manly | 72 | William Manly | Dorset | Bennington | |
Bille | Mann | 83 | Richard Scott | Stratton | Windham | |
William | Manning | 82 | Joel Manning | Benson | Rutland | |
Joseph | Manning | 78 | Hiram H. Swallow | Poultney | Rutland | |
Martha | Mansfield | 86 | Harry Cary | Townshend | Windham | |
Amos | Mansfield, Jr. | 47 | Amos Mansfield | Colchester | Chittenden | |
Elizabeth | Marcy | 77 | Elizabeth Marcy | Hartland | Windsor | |
Rhoda | Marsh | 74 | Henry Marsh | Woodstock | Windsor | |
Zuriah | Marshall | 87 | Levi Bowker | Lunenburg | Essex | |
William | Marsk | 76 | William Marsk | Guilford | Windham | |
John | Martin | 80 | John Martin | Calais | Washington | |
Samuel | Martin | 80 | Samuel C. Martin | Lunenburg | Essex | |
Reuben | Martin | 85 | William Martin | Bradford | Orange | |
Elizabeth | Martin | 74 | Joshua Martin | Randolph | Orange | |
Solomon | Martin | 87 | Ebenezer Martin | Benson | Rutland | |
Stephen | Martindale | 80 | Stephen Martindale | Dorset | Bennington | |
Huldah | Mather | 81 | Rufus Mather | Marlborough | Windham | |
Stephen | May | 85 | Elisha May | West Fairlee | Orange | |
Reuben | McAlister | 81 | Reuben McAlister | Windsor | Windsor | |
John | McCloud | 63 | John McCloud | Hydepark | Lamoille | |
James | McFarlin | 81 | Francis De Cato | Bradford | Orange | |
John | McIntire | 79 | Reuben McIntire | Randolph | Orange | |
Mary | McKenzie | 78 | William McKenzie | Salisbury | Addison | |
Amos | McKinstry | 81 | George McKinstry | Hydepark | Lamoille | |
John | McLane | 83 | John McLane | Cavendish | Windsor | |
Edward S. | Meeder | 47 | Edward S. Meeder | Thetford | Orange | |
Daniel B. | Meigs | 77 | Daniel B. Meigs | St. Albans | Franklin | |
John | Melendy | 83 | John Melendy | Waterford | Caledonia | |
Thomas | Mellen | 83 | Thomas Mellen | Newbury | Orange | |
David | Meriam | 80 | Brandon | Rutland | ||
Samuel S. | Merriam | 78 | S. S. Merriam | Wells | Rutland | |
Noah | Merritt | 85 | Noah Merritt | Sudbury | Rutland | |
Elias | Metcalf | 80 | Elias Metcalf | Montpelier | Washington | |
Benjamin | Metcalf | 84 | John Mamsel | Sharon | Windsor | |
Samuel | Metcalf | 77 | Samuel Metcalf | Royalton | Windsor | |
Phebe | Mil**** | 76 | Moses Miller | Strafford | Orange | Miller |
Solomon S. | Miller | 79 | Harry Miller | Williston | Chittenden | |
Dennis | Miller | 83 | Pittsford | Rutland | ||
Samuel | Mills | 77 | Samuel Mills | Shelburn | Chittenden | |
James | Miner | 82 | James Miner | Peacham | Caledonia | |
John B. | Mitchell | 81 | John B. Mitchell | Fairfield | Franklin | |
Jesse | Mix | 76 | Jesse Mix | Fayston | Washington | |
Judah | Moffit | 79 | Judah Moffit | Pawlet | Rutland | |
Prudence | Molton | 76 | Pittsford | Rutland | ||
John | Moncam | 73 | John Moncam | Barton | Orleans | |
Claud | Monty | 88 | John Monty | Colchester | Chittenden | |
Gideon | Moody | 76 | Gideon Moody | Manchester | Bennington | |
Thomas | Moore | 84 | Salmon J. Moore | Chelsea | Orange | |
Judah | Moore | 85 | Zephaniah S. Moore | Wilmington | Windham | |
Rachel | Moore | 72 | Martin Moore | Dummerston | Windham | |
Skiff | Morgan | 79 | Skiff Morgan | Charlotte | Chittenden | |
Joshua | Morrill | 80 | Aaron B. Morrill | Morristown | Lamoille | |
Hebbord | Morrill | 82 | Hebbord Morrill | Starksborough | Addison | |
Calvin | Morse | 47 | Calvin Morse | West Fairlee | Orange | |
Elijah | Morse | 82 | Joseph Morse | Somerset | Windham | |
Daniel | Morse | 79 | Ezekiel P. Morse | Waterville | Lamoille | |
Eunice | Morse | 90 | Abel Burbank | Cavendish | Windsor | |
Lydia | Morsell | 78 | Lydia Morsell | Tunbridge | Orange | |
John | Moses | 81 | Jonathan Moses | Huntington | Chittenden | |
Abraham | Moses | 84 | Abraham Moses | Stowe | Lamoille | |
Jesse | Mosman | 88 | Levi Cushman | Wilmington | Windham | |
Calvin | Munn | 79 | Calvin Munn | Dummerston | Windham | |
Josiah | Munroe | 76 | Josiah Munroe | Pawlet | Rutland | |
Stephen | Murray | 82 | Stephen Murray | Sudbury | Rutland | |
Joseph | Muzzy | 77 | Joseph Muzzy | Rockingham | Windham | |
Asa | Narramore | 78 | Samuel L. Narramore | Charlotte | Chittenden | |
Jabez | Newland | 76 | Jabez Newland | Wolcott | Lamoille | |
Jason | Newton | 78 | Jason Newton | Ira | Rutland | |
Gideon | Newton | 79 | Gideon Newton | Barnard | Windsor | |
Dorcas | Nichols | 103 | Isaac Nichols | Braintree | Orange | |
William | Nichols | 84 | William Nichols | Weathersfield | Windsor | |
Bathsheba | Nichols | 78 | Amos Williams | Reading | Windsor | |
Betsey | Nickols | 67 | William Nickols | Northfield | Washington | |
Jonas | Nickols | 95 | Peter Nickols | Barre | Washington | |
Ephraim | Niles | 86 | Oliver Niles | Lyndon | Caledonia | |
William | Niles | 84 | William Niles | Monkton | Addison | |
James | Noble | 79 | James Noble | Benson | Rutland | |
Jonathan | Norris | 67 | Jonathan Norris | Stockbridge | Windsor | |
Ruth | North | 81 | Ruth North | Shoreham | Addison | |
Lemuel | Northrop | 92 | Joseph Northrop | Peacham | Caledonia | |
Martin | Norton | 75 | Martin Norton | Bennington | Bennington | |
Eleazer | Nutting | 79 | Moses B. Nutting | Danville | Caledonia | |
Solomon | Nye | 76 | Solomon Nye | Berlin | Washington | |
Nathan | Nye | 78 | Perley Orcott | Randolph | Orange | |
Daniel | Nye | 84 | Daniel Nye | Norwich | Windsor | |
George | Olds | 90 | Peter Martin | Underhill | Chittenden | |
Sally | Orcutt | 79 | Roland Fletcher | Reading | Windsor | |
Josiah | Osgood | 82 | Lucy Page | Fairfield | Franklin | |
Thomas | Osgood | 79 | Thomas Osgood | Cabot | Caledonia | |
Nathan | Osgood | 79 | Rutland | Rutland | ||
Oliver | Osgood | 78 | Oliver Osgood | Windsor | Windsor | |
John | Otis | 81 | Joseph Otis | Swanton | Franklin | |
Elisha | Owen | 80 | Elisha Owen | Milton | Chittenden | |
Ephraim | Page | 45 | Ephraim Page | Charlotte | Chittenden | |
Reuben | Page | 86 | Reuben Page, Jr. | Corinth | Orange | |
Parker | Page | 79 | Amos Page | Cambridge | Lamoille | |
Richard | Paine | 83 | Richard Paine | Montpelier | Washington | |
Jesse | Paine | 81 | Jesse Paine | Vershire | Orange | |
Jabez | Paine | 84 | Jabez Paine | Westminster | Windham | |
George | Palmer | 79 | Robert Palmer | Hinesburg | Chittenden | |
John | Palmer | 84 | D. W. Palmer | Charleston | Orleans | |
Margaret | Palmer | 78 | Hiram Palmer | Grafton | Windham | |
Isaac | Palmer | 89 | R. W. Palmer | Putney | Windham | |
Dorothy | Palmer | 76 | Simeon Palmer | Lincoln | Addison | |
Abel | Parker | 74 | Georgia | Franklin | ||
Asa | Parker | 81 | Asa Parker, Jr. | Bradleysvale | Caledonia | |
Rebecca | Parker | 75 | John Parker | Barre | Washington | |
Eunice | Parker | 74 | Justus Newcomb | Thetford | Orange | |
John | Parker | 83 | Rupert | Bennington | ||
Samuel | Parker | 85 | Joseph Parker | Clarendon | Rutland | |
Ephraim | Parker | 80 | Ephraim Parker | Clarendon | Rutland | |
David | Parker | 77 | David Parker | Middletown | Rutland | |
Samuel | Parker | 76 | L. A. Warner | Whittingham | Windham | |
Lucretia | Parker | 78 | D. C. Hatch | Cambridge | Lamoille | |
Silas | Parker | 81 | William F. Parker | Springfield | Windsor | |
Benjamin | Parkhurst | 95 | Simon Parkhurst | Royalton | Windsor | |
Mercy | Parsons | 93 | David Hill | Sandgate | Bennington | |
Amos | Parsons | 81 | Amos Parsons | Stratton | Windham | |
Ansel | Paterson | 77 | Ansel Paterson | Barre | Washington | |
Samuel | Patterson | 87 | Samuel Patterson | Montpelier | Washington | |
Kiles | Paul | 84 | Kiles Paul | Rochester | Windsor | |
Edmund | Pease | 76 | Edward Pease | Brookfield | Orange | |
Rreuben | Peck | 80 | Reuben Peck | Cornwall | Addison | |
Josiah | Peckham | 85 | Josiah Peckham | Sheldon | Franklin | |
Benjamin | Peirce | 74 | Benjamin Peirce | Dummerston | Windham | |
Esther | Peirce | 97 | Samuel Stiles | Wolcott | Lamoille | |
Joel F. | Perham | 79 | Joel F. Perham | Cambridge | Lamoille | |
Francis | Perkins | 81 | Francis Perkins | Middletown | Rutland | |
Hannah | Perkins | 78 | John Short | Hartland | Windsor | |
Daniel | Perkins | 77 | Joseph Fletcher | Johnson | Lamoille | |
Nathaniel | Perkins, 1st | 84 | Nathaniel Perkins | Walden | Caledonia | |
James | Perley | 75 | James Perley | Berlin | Washington | |
Anna | Perry | 77 | A. P. Perry | Dover | Windham | |
Calvin P. | Perry | 61 | Calvin P. Perry | Wilmington | Windham | |
Stephen | Persons | 81 | Jeremiah Persons | Berlin | Washington | |
Eli | Pettibone | 84 | Eli Pettibone | Manchester | Bennington | |
Oliver | Phelps | 77 | Oliver Phelps | St. Johnsbury | Caledonia | |
Bissel | Phelps | 86 | Bissel Phelps | Moretown | Washington | |
David | Phelps | 85 | David Dow | Duxbury | Washington | |
Francis | Phelps | 83 | Francis Phelps, Jr. | Town of Halifax | Windham | |
John | Philips | 78 | John Philips | Marlborough | Windham | |
Nehemiah | Phillips | 78 | Nehemiah Phillips | Wheelock | Caledonia | |
Pain | Phillips | 76 | George Phillips | Newfane | Windham | |
Elizabeth | Phillips | 81 | Joel Bartlett | Wardboro | Windham | |
Nathan | Pierce | 82 | Lemuel Church | Vershire | Orange | |
Benjamin | Pierce | 78 | Benjamin Pierce | Londonderry | Windham | |
Ezekiel | Pierce | 86 | Ezekiel Pierce | Putney | Windham | |
Hannah | Pierce | 79 | William Pierce | Salisbury | Addison | |
Dorcas | Pierson | 73 | Hiram Pierson | Shelburn | Chittenden | |
John | Pike | 78 | Sylvester Pike | Marshfield | Washington | |
Elijah | Pike | 77 | Elijah Pike | Town of Halifax | Windham | |
Merrill | Pillsbury | 44 | Merrill Pillsbury | Albany | Orleans | |
Isaac | Pinney | 82 | Isaac Pinney, Jr. | Royalton | Windsor | |
Samuel | Plumley | 80 | William Plumley | Eden | Lamoille | |
Asa | Poland | 75 | Asa Poland | Stowe | Lamoille | |
Walter | Pollard | 78 | Walter Pollard | Stockbridge | Windsor | |
Hepsebeth | Pollord | 79 | Hepsebeth Pollard | Arlington | Bennington | |
Simeon | Pomeroy | 86 | Thomas M. Pomeroy | Windsor | Windsor | |
Ezekiel | Pond | 79 | John Busbee | Berkshire | Franklin | |
Zebulon | Pond | 75 | Pittsford | Rutland | ||
Ruth | Poor | 82 | Thomas W. Poor | Norwich | Windsor | |
Simeon | Pope | 78 | Simeon Pope | Derby | Orleans | |
George | Porter | 81 | George Porter | Athens | Windham | |
Sarah | Porter | 81 | Timothy O. Flanagan | Weybridge | Addison | |
William | Portler | 91 | Oliver Portler | Warren | Washington | |
Simeon | Post | 88 | Rutland | Rutland | ||
Jacob | Post | 78 | Jacob Post | Addison | Addison | |
Noel | Potter | 79 | Levi Beals | St. Albans | Franklin | |
Thaddeus | Potter | 76 | Thaddeus Potter | Waterford | Caledonia | |
Trueman | Powell | 81 | Egbert Powell | Cambridge | Lamoille | |
Jonathan | Powers | 82 | Jonathan Powe* | Lowell | Orleans | |
Peter | Powers | 75 | Pittsford | Rutland | ||
Asahel | Powers | 81 | Asahel Powers | Springfield | Windsor | |
Rebecca | Powers | 72 | Hartwell Powers | Ferrisburgh | Addison | |
Elizabeth | Pratt | 80 | Elizabeth Pratt | Bradford | Orange | |
James | Pratt | 78 | Ervin Pratt | Pawlet | Rutland | |
Nathan | Pratt | 88 | Hiram Pratt | Bridgewater | Windsor | |
Asa | Pratt | 81 | Asa Pratt | Plymouth | Windsor | |
William | Pratt | 73 | Trueman Dewey | Cornwall | Addison | |
Martha | Pratt | 85 | Benjamin Hunt | Shoreham | Addison | |
Thomas | Prentiss | 81 | Thomas Prentiss | Weathersfield | Windsor | |
Amos | Preston | 85 | Amos Preston | Colchester | Chittenden | |
Joseph | Priest | 78 | Joseph Priest | Coventry | Orleans | |
Joel | Priest | 92 | Joel Priest | Brownington | Orleans | |
John | Priest | 95 | John Priest | Westminster | Windham | |
Samuel | Prindle | 93 | Samuel Prindle | Poultney | Rutland | |
Elizabeth | Prior | 82 | Alva Prior | Cambridge | Lamoille | |
Silas | Proctor | 89 | Silas Proctor | Mount Holly | Rutland | |
Samuel | Proctor | 75 | Samuel Proctor | Weston | Windsor | |
Sally | Proctor | 78 | Stilman Proctor | Cavendish | Windsor | |
Burpy | Prouty | 78 | Burpy Prouty | Hartford | Windsor | |
Amos | Prouty | 76 | Fosdick Prouty | Marlborough | Windham | |
Esther | Puffer | 78 | Sally Puffer | Jamaica | Windham | |
Martha | Purdy | 78 | Manchester | Bennington | ||
John | Putnam | 76 | John Putnam | Montpelier | Washington | |
Israel | Putnam | 79 | Israel Putnam | Bradford | Orange | |
Hannah | Putnam | 73 | P. B. Putnam | Somerset | Windham | |
Stephen | Putnam | 79 | Stephen Putnam | Whittingham | Windham | |
Ezra | Putnam | 88 | Daniel Putnam | Bethel | Windsor |
Searchable images of the original census are available online at:
Various Spellings for Search Engines
Bartlet; Carey; Carie; Carye; Churche; D'ouwe; Dewe; Dowe; Felpes; Flechar; Flecher; Fletchar; Hille; Hunte; Huntt; Hyll; Hylle; Kerrey; Kerry; Kery; Maes; Mahewe; Mahieu; Maie; Man; Manninge; Marchall; Marcye; Marshe; Marshell; Marten; Martenn; Martine; Marton; Martyn; Martyne; Maye; Mays; McAllister; MacAlister; MacIntire; MacIntyre; McIntyre; MacKenzie; MacKenzy; McKenzy; MacLeane; McLeane; Mellin; Mellyn; Merrett; Metcalfe; Mettecalfe; Michaell; Micheall; Michel; Michell; Millar; Milles; Mixe; Moffet; Monro; Monroe; Moodye; More; Morel; Mores; Morgayn; Morgin; Morgon; Morrell; Munne; Murrey; Myller; Mylles; Mylls; Newlande; Niccoles; Niccolls; Nicholles; Nicholls; Norrice; Norrisse; Norrys; Northe; Northrup; Nortonn; Nuttinge; Otes; Owane; Owyn; Owyne; Paige; Pain; Pallmer; Palmar; Pamar; Pamer; Parrie; Parrye; Paule; Payne; Pearse; Peares; Pears; Pecke; Peerson; Perrye; Philipps; Phillipes; Phillippes; Phillipps; Pollarde; Pomeroye; Poore; Portor; Poste; Preiste; Prentis; Prentise; Prentys; Prestone; Prockter; Procter; Pryor; Puttnam; Pyke; Shorte; Steils; Steiles; Styles; Swallowe; Warryner