Drawing of colonial settlers


Including the original colonies, Native Americans, British, French and Spanish Claims as of 1750

If you would be interested in hosting a state or territory of colonial times, please contact Kathy Leigh

State (Year)
1st Settlement Date Country
Virginia Virginia (1788)
Kentucky (1792)
Missouri (1821)
W. Virginia (1863)
Southern Ohio (1803)
Southern Indiana (1816)
Southern Illinois (1818)
Northern Michigan (1837)
Wisconson (1848)
Northern Minnesota (1858)
Jamestown 1607 Britain
New Netherlands

Adoption Pending
Eastern New York (1788)
Vermont (also claimed by NH) (1791)
Fort Orange
New Amsterdam (New York City)
1614 Holland


Grace Smith
Massachusetts (1788)
Maine (1820)
Rhode Island (1790)
Western NY (1788)
Southern MI (1837)
Southern WI (1848)
Massachusetts Bay

New Hampshire

Kathy Leigh
New Hampshire (1788)
Vermont (also claimed by NY) (1791)
Little Harbor 1623 Scotch-Irish
Connecticut Connecticut(1788)
Northern Indiana (1816)
Northern Illinois (1818)
Northern Ohio (1803)
House of Hope 1623 Britain
New Jersey New Jersey (1787) Fort Nassau 1626 Holland
New Sweden Delaware (1787) Zwaanendael 1631 Sweden
Maryland Maryland (1788) St. Mary's 1634 Britain
Rhode Island Rhode Island (1790) Providence Plantations 1636 Britain
Pennsylvania Pennsylvania (1787) Fort Beversrede 1648 Britain
North Carolina North Carolina (1789)
Eastern Tennessee (1796)
Albemarle 1653 Virginia Settlers
South Carolina South Carolina (1788)
Southern Tennessee (1796)
A previous settlement was made in 1670 but disappeared
[See below for new info]
1680 Britain
Georgia Georgia (1788) Savannah 1733 Britian
Spanish Possessions Florida (1845)
Southern Alabama (1819)
Southern Mississippi (1817)
Southwest corner of Lousiana (1812)
Most of Texas (1845)
Most of New Mexico (1912)
Southwest corner of Colorado (1876)
Southern Utah (1896)
Arizona (1912)
Southern tip of Nevada (1864)
Southern California (1850)
St. Augustine, FL 1565 Spain
French Possessions

New France
Grace Smith

Western New York (1788)
Western Pennsylvania (1787)
Michigan (1837)
Illinois (1818)
Indiana (1816)
Wisconsin (1848)
Ohio (1803)
Kentucky (1792)
Tennessee (1796)
Northwest Georgia (1788)
Northern Alabama (1819)
Northern Mississippi (1817)

Louisiana Purchase (1803)

Land between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains

Louisiana (1812)
Arkansas (1836)
Oklahoma (1907)
Northern Texas (1845)
Northeastern New Mexico(1912)
Eastern Colorado (1876)
Kansas (1861)
Missouri (1821)
Minnesota (1858)
Iowa (1846)
Southern North Dakota (1889)
South Dakota (1889)
Nebraska (1867)
Most of Wyoming (1890)
Most of Montana (1889)
La Pointe Mission 1666 France
Hudson Bay Company North Dakota (1889)
Minnesota (1858)
Pembina 1812 Britain
Unexplored Territory Northwest Montana (1889)
Southwest Wyoming (1890)
Western Colorado (1876)
Most of Utah (1896)
Nevada (1864)
Northern California (1850)
Idaho (1890)
Oregon (1859)
Washington (1889)
Hawaii (1959)
Alaska (1959)
Astoria, OR 1811
Native America

Email received 10/9/03:

"It is stated that the original colony of Charleston SC disappeared. This isn't so. It is true that they moved the township across the river for better defence against the Yemesse (Cherokee) Indians, and moskitoes in 1680-1681, but it didn't disappear, and in fact is still here as a state park.

Historical map of the United States in 1750 showing European Claims

Thank you for visiting Colonial Settlements


This page last updated:

Colonial Settlements
Created March 20, 2001
Copyright 2001
Web design and graphics by Kathy Leigh