<%@ Language=VBScript %> Lucas County Ohio




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U.S. Will & Probate Project
Funeral & Memorial Card Project

U.S. Will & Probate Index
Funeral & Memorial Card Index


Links Of Interest

Historical Collections- Lucas Co., OH
Ohio in the Civil War
War of 1812 Roster of Ohio Soldiers
Ohio Death Certificate Search

 Ohio Memory Online Scrapbook
 Ohio Maps
 Toledo's Attic
Lucas County Probate Search
Center for Archival Collections
History of Lucas Co. & Toledo, OH
Ohio Medal Of Honor Recipients     
Land Patent Records
Deciphering Old Handwriting
Center for Archival Collections
Social Security Death Index Search 
  Perpetual Calendar
Ohio Archives Search

Ohio Courthouse Contact Information
Ohio County Maps
  Springfield Twp. Cemetery- Coming Soon!

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   Coming Soon!


General Information

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Lucas County Lookup Requests
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Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!

Gumshoe Gazette - Newsletter
Research Tidbits
Cemeteries & Stone Photos - Various States



Personal Favorites

Barbour Co., WV
Randolph Co., WV
Hacker's Creek Pioneer Descendants
Moore's Mountain Inn- Mechanicsburg, PA

  Davidson Co., TN
  Smith Co., TN
Nashville & Davidson Co., TN Archives
  Tennessee Records & Archives

  Tony Lake- Vin Dever's Dodge

Lucas Co., OH

Date Created: 1835

Parent County: Wood, Sandusky, Henry

County Seat: Toledo


I am searching for youth (under age 18) reporters for our newsletter that will be premiering in August 2006. The articles will be on genealogy and history items and will be assigned to individuals that apply. Data entry volunteers are also needed.

If you or someone that you know would like to participate, please contact me


Welcome to Lucas County, Ohio!

I believe that everyone loves to be remembered in some way. It may be a telephone call, a greeting card, a surprise visit, or even a silly email. To bring joy to a person by something so simple warms my heart. By remembering those that have already passed or have made an impact on someone's life is equally important. They all are a part of our history and who we are today. By reading these biographies, all of us learn a few details about each individuals life. This helps us to connect to them in some way and have a better idea about the type of person that they were. 

They may be gone, but not forgotten!



In May of 1997, this project was organized by Jeff Murphy, using the established KY Biographies Project as a model.  State coordinators were sought to set up their own state  project.  They were offered the system design and tools created for the KY project, but were free to set up their project in any way they chose.  I am Teresa Casiano and I coordinate this project for Lucas County, Ohio.  Volunteers are needed to enter, edit, and archive the biographies for each project.  If you have biographies you would like to donate for Lucas Co., OH, please contact me.  If you would like to volunteer to coordinate a county please contact the Ohio State Coordinator, Tina Hursh.


View our current Lucas Co., OH Biographies!



Lucas County Map







In memory of Anna Josephine (Moore) Searcey


Josephine (Moore) and Charles Searcey

"You will always be alive and in our hearts and memories"



View Cemetery and Tombstone Photos From Various States


The Gee - nee - al - a - gist

Submitted By: Don Firsdon [don-shrlky@juno.com]


They think that I should mow and trim

 And be a model guy.

 I tell them it’s more interesting

 To know when grandpa died.

 They simply will not understand

 Why I never go to bed...

 I'm busy living my own life,

 Plus two hundred older years instead.

 Why waste the time we have on earth

 Snoring and asleep?

 When we can fight off Indians and

 sail upon the deep?

 We have preachers and lawmen,

 Soldiers, more than a few...

 And yes, a few old scoundrels

 And a bootlegger or two.

 How can a man find this life

 An awful drudge or bore?

 When he can live the lives of all

 Those kinfolks who lived long before?

 Two hundred years from now

 Why, no one will ever know

 Did I clean the carpet..?.

 But they'll see our Family Tree and glow...

 Knowing their dear old granddaddy

 Left for posterity

 Not clean washed cars and weeded flower beds but a completed Family Tree!

 So let repairs go unmade,

 I've better things to do...

 Like finding old birth records

 T'will give you all a clue,

 To why old great grand-daddy

 Grabbed the family branches with glee

 And let the faucets drip

 While he worked upon the Tree!



Copyright 2006
 Teresa Searcey-Casiano 
All rights reserved


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since January 1, 2006


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Last updated on 05/12/2011