Gillian Cemetery

Summers Co., West Virginia

Location:  Hix, WV






GILLIAN, Ida Virginia20 Aug 1892

19 Jul 1920

W/O Issac Gillian

GILLIAN, Isaac Stephen8 Apr 1890

11 Jan 1957

H/O Ida Gillian

GILLIAN, Virgil Lawrence17 Sept 1918

19 Jan 1921

S/O Issac & Ida Gillian

Full View Of Gillian Cemetery


The current owner of the property had thetombstones made to mark the resting places of his ancestors. 

A senior resident of the area states that the followingpersons are also buried at this cemetery:

Laura Crawford Bragg, Infant Bragg, Clarace Bragg (infant),Mrs. Collier, and Unknown Name Boy.


Graciously contributed by: Debbie Gillian []



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 Teresa Searcey-Casiano 
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