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CARTER, a resident of Sherman Oaks, California, being of lawful age and sound mind and not acting under duress, menace, fraud or undue influence of any person, do make, publish and declare my Last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all former Wills and codicils, as follows: FIRST: I declare that I am a widow and that I have one child living at the date hereof, namely, CATHERINE FAY GROSS, now residing at 4606 Willis Avenue, Sherman Oaks California; that said Catherine Fay Gross has two children, namely, JOSEPHINE ELEANORE ACHE, now residing at 2533 Barry Avenue, Los Angeles,34, California, and JOHN CARTER de GROSSE, now residing at 5921 Hillview Park Avenue, Van Nuys, California. SECOND: I direct my Executrix, hereinafter named, as soon as there shall be funds available for that purpose, to pay all of my debts and the expenses of my last illness and funeral. THIRD: I give and bequeath to my daughter, CATHERINE FAY GROSS, all my household furniture and furnishings, including but without limitation thereto, all of my jewelry, dishes, silver and personal effects. If, however, my said daughter shall not survive me, I give and bequeath said personal property described in this paragraph to my granddaughter, JOSEPHINE ELEANOR ACHE. FOURTH: All of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, both real and personal, wheresoever situated, I give, devise and bequeath, in the proportions and to the persons hereinafter named, to wit: To my daughter, CATHERINE FAY GROSS, fifty per cent (50%) of said residue; To my granddaughter, JOSEPHINE ELEANORE ACHE, twenty-five per cent (25%) of said residue; To my grandson, JOHN CARTER de GROSSE, twenty percent (20%) of said residue; and To MARTHA ANN CARTER (widow of my deceased son, Glenn U. Carter,) now residing at 1214 South Parton Street, Santa Ana, California, five per cent (5%) of said residue. I am bequeathing to my said granddaughter, JOSEPHINE ELEANOR ACHE, a larger share in said residue of my estate than I am bequeathing to my grandson, JOHN CARTER de GROSSE, for the reason that my said granddaughter has two children and it is my desire to aid in the education of the children of said JOSEPHINE ELEANOR ACHE. My grandson, JOHN CARTER de GROSSE, has no children. If said MARTHA ANN CARTER shall not survive me, I give, devise and bequeath the share of the residue of my estate to which she would be entitled, if living, to my said daughter, CATHERINE FAY GROSS. Anything to the contrary herein notwithstanding, if said CATHERINE FAY GROSS shall not survive me, the share of the residue of my estate to which she would be entitled, if living, shall go, in equal shares, to her two children, JOSEPHINE ELEANORE ACHE and JOHN CARTER de GROSSE, including on the principle of representation the issue of either of them who shall have predeceased me. If either of my said grandchildren shall predecease me and shall leave no issue surviving, the share of residue which such deceased would have taken, if living, shall go to the survivor of said two grandchildren, JOSEPHINE ELEANOR ACHE and JOHN CARTER de GROSSE. FIFTH: I give and bequeath the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and no more, to any person who shall contest this Will or endeavor to interfere with the testamentary plan hereof and all other bequests and devises to such person or persons shall be null and void and of no further effect. SIXTH: I hereby nominate and appoint my daughter, CATHERINE FAY GROSS, to be the Executrix, without bond, of this, my Last Will and Testament. If, however, my said daughter for any reason shall fail to qualify as such executrix, or if, having qualified, she shall become unable to act in that capacity, I nominate and appoint my granddaughter, JOSEPHINE ELEANOR ACHE, to be the Executrix, without bond, of this, my Last Will and Testament, in the place and stead of said CATHERINE FAY GROSS. I hereby authorize and empower my Executrix, with or without notice, to sell, at public or private sale, to mortgage, lease or encumber, any and all of the property of my estate in accordance with her best discretion, without obtaining any order of court therefore except such order of confirmation as may be necessary under the law. I hereby direct my Executrix to employ as her attorney in all matters connected with the administration of my estate, GEO. W. DRYER, of Los Angeles, California, or such law firm as he may then be connected with. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my signature this ____ day of June, 1952. Esther L. Carter The foregoing instrument consisting of four (4) pages, was, on the date thereof by the said ESTHER L. CARTER, subscribed, published and declared to be her Last Will and Testament, in the presence of us, who, at her request and in her presence and in the presence of each other, have signed the same as witnesses thereto. Mae Watkins, residing at Los Angeles, California H. Melvin Swift, Jr., residing at Los Angeles, California