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All rights reserved. lcmain.htm *********************************************************************** George Adam Cook *********************************************************************** Franklin County, Pennsylvania Will Book A, Page 494-496 Dated 6 Aug 1784, Proved 31 Oct 1785 Will of GEORGE ADAM COOK In the name of God Amen, I GEORGE ADAM COOK of Washington Township in the County of Cumberland and State of Pennsylvania, Do this Sixth Day of August in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty four, make and ordain this my Last will and Testament in Manner following, that is to say, I give my Son GEORGE COOK the sum of Five pounds Proragation and I give him my said Son GEORGE the Mill and Plantation whereon he now lives adjoining DANIEL McCOY, JOHN SIGRIST, & SAMUEL HARSHBERGER and the wood Land I Hold on the South Mountain adjoining LODWICK STOLL and JOHN SMITH, I also give to my said Son, and to my son ADAM COOK I give one Hundred and Forty five acres of Land to be Laid off to him adjoining DAVID HINMAN, JACOB HECK, ALLIANNDER McCLINTUCK and Land that I hereafter shall give to my son MICHAEL COOK and I Do also give to my son MICHAEL COOK one Hundred and forty five Acres of Land to be Laid off to him adjoining DANIEL POORMAN and the Land I herein before give to my son ADAM and my old Plantation, and to my son JACOB COOK I give one Hundred and Fifty five Acres of Land part of my old Plantation to be Laid off to him adjoining J OHN LEAP and JOHN STOTT, and I give to my son JOHN COOK one Hundred and Forty five Acres of Land to be Laid off to him Adjoining GEORGE HELMAN, and EZEKIEL CHAMBERS, and I give to my Son CHRISTIAN COOK one Hundred and Forty five acres of Land to be Laid off to him adjoining DAVID HINMAN, ADAM FLICK and Land I shall hereafter give to my son DANIEL and I give to my Son DANIEL COOK one Hundred and Forty five Acres of Land to be Laid off to him Adjoining ABRAHAM KNEPPER, ADAM FLICK and PETER BENEDICK and I give to my son PETER COOK my old Plantation whereon I now Live which is to Contain one Hundred and Eighty Acres of Land Together with all and Singular the improvements and Appurtenances hereunto belonging and his Medow shall extend from the Spring Down to an Asp Sapling Standing on the East side of the medow and from Said Sapling by a Straight west line above the medow, and Twenty five acres more of my medow Ground shall be laid off below said asp sapling so that the whole may be Watered with my spring and shall be Divided in five Equal Lots so that every Lot shall Contain five acres and the first Lot Below the said asp Sapling I give to my son ADAM and the second Lot I give to my son MICHAEL and the third Lot I give to my son JOHN and the fourth Lot I give to my Son CHRISTIAN, and the fifth Lot I give to my son DANIEL, and all the Land and Lots of medow ground hereinbefore Respectively mentioned I give to my said sons To Hold to themselfes their Heirs and assigns Forever and Each of my five sons, that is to say & ADAM, MICHAEL, JOHN, CHRISTIAN, and DANIEL and their Heirs, or assigns, Shall Forever hereafter Have a Free and resonable Passage to and from, their Lots of medow ground without the least hinderance or Molestation from Each other, or from any one of all my said sons or any one of their Heirs or assigns and if my said sons can not agree about Dividing the Land and Lots of Ground, they Shall apply to an orpahsn Court, and the Court Shall appoint Proper Persons in the Neighbourhood to Devide the said Land Between them, and the Persons so appointed shall not Exceed Six â€" in number and the Land I Hold in the South Mountain Adjoining NICOLAUS BEEDINGER, ABRAHAM KNIPPER and ADAM BRITZ and the Land I Hold in the County of Bedford, I do ordain that both Tracts shall be sold by my Executors Hereafter Mentioned and my Executors Deed or Conveyance shall be as Good and as suficient as if I myself in my Lifetime had Executed them, and the money therefrom arising Shall be Equally Devided among my said sons and out of my Real Estate, I give to my Daughter Catharine the sum of one Hundred Pounds along with the one Hundred pounds which I paid or give to her Husband PETER BINEBREGH some Time ago, and to my Daughter BARBARA the wife of JACOB SNYDER I give the sum of Two Hundred Pounds, and to my Daughter MARY, the sum of two Hundred pounds, and to my Daughter MARGARET the sum of two Hundred pounds, to be paid to my said Dauhters, by my said sons as herein after Mentioned, that unto my said son GEORGE pay unto them my said Daughters the sum of two Hundred pounds and Twelve Shillings and six pence in Manner following, that is to say, Twenty Pounds one year after my decease and then yearly and every year the sum of Seventy Pounds until the whole sum of Two Hundred pounds and Twelve shillings and six pence shall be fully paid and my son ADAM shall pay unto my said Daughters the sum of Seventy five pounds Twelve Shillings and six pence, to wit, one year after my Decease the sum of Ten Pounds and then yearly and every the sum of Ten pounds until the whole sum of Seventy five pounds twelve Shillings and Six pence shall be fully paid and my Son MICHAEL Shall pay unto them my said Daughters the sum of Thirty five Pounds twelve Shillings and six pence in Manner following to wit one year after my Desease the sum of Ten pounds and then yearly and Every year the sum of Ten pounds until the whole sum of Thirty five pounds Twelve Shillings and six pence Shall be fully paid, and my sons JACOB, JOHN, CHRISTIAN and DANIEL each of them shall pay unto them my said Daughters the sum of thirty five pounds Twelve Shillings and six pence, in Manner following, to wit one year after my Desease Each of them the sum of Ten pounds and then yearly the sum of Ten pounds until the sum of one Hundred and forty two pounds and ten shillings shall be fully paid, and my son Peter shall pay unto my said Daughters the sum of Two Hundred and thirty five pounds twelve Shillings and six pense, in manner following to wit, one year after my Desease the sum of Twenty Pounds and then yearly and Every year the sum of Twenty Pounds until he whole sum of Two Hundred and thirty five Pounds shall be fully paid, and it is further my will that my son PETER shall live with my son GEORGE until he shall be Twenty one years of age and my son GEORGE shall have the whole Command of him and his Estate During said Time, and my son GEORGE Shall give an account of the Same and Shall pay the Legatees for him as their Payments comes Due, and my Daughters, MARY and MARGRET Shall be furnished with Household furniture &c out of my Personal Estate as my other two Daughters namely CATHERINE and BARBARA was furnished and my Daughter MARY shall have Ten pounds Extraortinary, and then my Personal Estate shall be Equally divided among the whole of my Children, and it is further my will, that my sons JACOB, JOHN, CHRISTIAN, DANIEL and PETER, shall have my Plantation I herein before give to my son PETER in Possession for the Term of two year after my Desease and shall have the whole Benefit of the same, and I Nominate and appoint my sons GEORGE, ADAM, & MICHAEL to be my executors of this my Last Will and Testament, and I Refuse and Disanull all wills and Testaments by me, herebefore made, and Confirm this as my Last will and Testament. In Witness Whereof I have Hereunto Set my hand and Seal the Day and year first above Written. GEORGE ADAM COOK (signed in German) Signed Sealed and Pronounsed by the said GEORGE ADAM COOK as his Last Will and Testament in the Presence of us who was present at the Signing and Sealing hereof. ANTHONY SNIDER, JOHANNES? GARMANN? (signed in German), SAMUEL ROYER Franklin County ss. Before me the Subscriber ss? Personally Came ANTHONY SNIDER, JOHN HUMONY?, & SAMUEL ROYER the Subscribing Witnesses to the foregoing & within Instrument of writing and on their the Said ANTHONY & JOHNâ€(tm)s oath, & the Said SAMUELâ€(tm)s affirmation Doth say that they were personally present and Saw & heard the within named GEORGE ADAM COOK sign his name unto & Seal and publish the foregoing Instrument of writing as and for his Last Will and Testament and that at the time of the doing there of he said GEORGE ADAM COOK was of Sound indisposing mind memory and understanding to the best of their Knowledge and belief And that they did Respectively Subscribe their names thereto as witnesses at the Same time in the presence of the Said Testator. ANTHONY SNYDER, JOHANNES HUMAN?, SAMUEL ROYER Sworn and Subscribed before me at Chambersburgh the 31st Day of October 1785. EDW. CRAWFORD JR. No. 38, A/c of the estate of G. ADAM COOK decâ€(tm)d filed 20 Jany 1802. Approved 17 May 1802 Balance 212.4.3 The accompt of GEORGE ADAM & MICHAEL COOK Executors of the last Will and Testament of GEORGE ADAM COOK Late of Guilford Township (note: Guilford Twp, was formed in 1751 while part of Cumberland Co, PA), yeoman deceased of all and Singular the goods and Chattles rights and Credits which were of the said deseased which came to their hands possession or Knowledge as of their payments and disbursements out of and against the same as follows to wit: Note: details not transcribed On the 20 Jany 1802 GEORGE, ADAM & MICHL. COOK exors of ADAM COOK decâ€(tm)d appeared before me & now duly sworn to the truth of the a/c to the best of their knowledge, I have previously examined the same. EDW CRAWFORD, Regr.