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First of all I direct that my body be placed in a metallic casket and interred in the HOYMAN Cemetery and that my funeral services be conducted by a minister of the Evangelical Church. As to such estate as it has pleased God to intrust me with, I dispose of the same as follows, viz: 1st I will and bequeath the surface only of farm at the price and on the conditions herein named, then the farm may be taken by one or more of my sons in order of age (oldest first) and if not accepted by one or more of them, then by one or more of the daughters at the price and on the conditions hereinbefore named, otherwise it may be sold at Public or private Sale to the best and highest bidder on such terms as may be arranged by my executors 8th And , lastly, I do nominate and appoint my sons JONAS M. COOK, and JESSE J. COOK to be the Executors of this my last Will and Testament. NOTE: It appears that the Clerk, when he was transcribing this Will made a mistake and therefore started over. I JESSE COOK of Southampton Township in the county of Somerset and State of Pennsylvania, yeoman, being of sound mind, memory and understanding, do made and publish this, my last will and testament, hereby revoking and making void all former wills by me at any time heretofore made. First of all I direct that my body be placed in a metallic casket and interred in the HOYMAN Cemetery and that my funeral services be conducted by a minister of the Evangelical Church. As to such estate as it has pleased God to intrust me with, I dispose of the same as follows, viz: 1st I will and bequeath the surface only of my Home Farm, situated in Southampton Twp, Somerset County Penna, containing one hundred and fifty (150) acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Somerset County Coal and Iron Company (Eli Shaffer, Martin heirs, and others, to my son JESSE J. COOK, for and in consideration of six thousand dollars ($6000) lawful money to be paid to my executors hereinafter named as follows: Namely 1st Payment not less than one thousand dollar ($1000) in cash six months after my death, and not less than four hundred dollars ($400) on the 1st of April yearly without interest including his (JESSE J. COOKa?(tm)s share in the estate until all is paid. 2nd In case the time for the 1st Payment should come within three months prior to April 1st, then the next payment of not less than four hundred dollar ($400) to be continued or deferred until April 1st of the year next following. 3rd Should my wife ELIZABETH survive me, a dower of two thousand dollars ($2000) to remain in the Farm as long as she may live, for In interest on which she may be kept by JESSE J. COOK at the Homestead, or in case she may desire to make her home elsewhere, then the interest on two thousand dollars ($2000) to be paid to her annually by the said JESSE J. COOK. 4th Should the life of my wife ELIZABETH be continued beyond the time of my death, she may select from the household goods, furniture, bedding &c such as she may desire, and the remainder if any such as she may not choose to divide among the children, shall be sold by my executors, hereinafter named, at Public or private sale, together with all other personal property a?" she, my wife ELIZABETH, to have three hundred ($300) from the fund thus realized. 5th That the interest on all notes held by me against my children for money advanced during my lifetime shall cease from and after the date of my death, likewise on all notes against my sons-in-Law CHARLES A. SMOUSE and WILLIAM H. DEAL, if living at the time of my death; otherwise the amounts of such notes to be collected, and the money to be applied to their children from their respective wives ELIZABETH and ALICE. 6th That the Share of my son JESSE J. COOK shall remain in the farm, the amounts to be deducted from the several payments the 1st Payment of one thousand dollars excepted, and that the estate be equally divided a?" Share and Share alike a?" between my nine children, namely: JOSIAH COOK, KATE A. WILHELM, JONAS M. COOK, EDWARD L. COOK, MARTHA E. WINGERT, WILLIAM H. COOK, JESSE J. COOK, ELIZABETH S. SMOUSE, AND ALICE M.DEAL. 7th If my son JESSE J. COOK should not survive me, or should he refuse to accept the farm at the price and on the conditions herein named, then the farm may be taken by one or more of my sons in order of age (oldest first) and if not accepted by one or more of them, then by one or more of the daughters at the price and on the conditions hereinbefore named, otherwise it may be sold at Public or private Sale to the best and highest bidder on such terms as may be arranged by my executors. 8th And lastly, I do nominate and appoint my sons JONAS M. COOK and JESSE J. COOK to be the Executors of this my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I, JESSE COOK, the Testator have to this my Will, written on one continuous sheet of paper, set my hand and seal this 27th day of Feb A.D. one thousand eight hundred and ninety two. JESSE COOK Signed, sealed, published and declared by the above named JESSE COOK as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence o f us who hereunto subscribe our names at his request in the presence of the Testator and of each other. SAMUEL H. KINNELL, JONATHAN J. KENNELL I JESSE COOK the within named testator, do hereby make and publish this codicil to my last will and testament bearing date the 27th day of Feb 1892 in manner following, to wit; Item I do revoke the payment of Four Hundred Dollars in them one in my said will and devise the same shall be Three Hundred Dollars per annum as long as my wife ELIZABETH COOK shall live, and annually after the death of my wife ELIZABETH COOK the said JESSE J. COOK to pay annually Four Hundred Dollars until t he dowery and the remainder of the Six Thousand Dollars is paid, duducting her share out of the same. Item I will and devise that all the personal property that I have bequeathed in the foregoing will to my wife ELIZABETH that that what she does not use during her lifetime to be sold by my executors and equally divided among my nine children. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 21st day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety three. JESSE COOK Signed sealed published and declared by the said JESSE COOK as and for a codicil to his last will and testament in the presence of us, who, in his presence and in the presence of each other, have at his request, subscribed our names as witnesses thereto. MICHAEL LONG, JONATHAN J. KENNELL Somerset County, ss: On this 1 or 8 day of June, A. D. 1893 before me A. J. Hileman register for the probate of wills and granting letters of administration in and for the county aforesaid, personally came SAMUEL H. KENNELL & JONATHAN J. KENNELL the subscribing witnesses, to the will hereto attached, and MICHAEL LONG & JONATHAN KENNELL, the Subscribing witnesses to the Codicile thereto who being duly affixed according to law, do say that they were present and saw and heard JESSE COOK was of sound mind, memory and understanding, to the best of their knowledge and belief. SAMUEL H. KENNELL, JONATHAN J. KENNELL, MICHAEL LONG, JONTAHAN J. KENNELL Confirmed and subscribed to before me the date aforesaid, R. J. HILEMAN, Register