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I DANIEL GROSS of Hempfield Township county of Westmoreland & State of Penna do make constitute and ordain this to be my Last Will & Testament as follows: First I will and bequeath to my Beloved wife ESTER the sole use of my farm I now reside on, during her natural life or as long as she remains my widow. 2d I also will and bequeath to her my share of all the grain on hand and my share of grain now growing on the farm. 3d I also will & bequeath to her, all my household & Kitchen Furniture (excepting the organ) which is to remain in the house during her life time or as Long as she remains sole. 4th I also will and bequeath to my said wife one of my mans Leavery her to take her choice. 5th I also will and bequeath to my said Beloved wife my Buggy Harness & side saddle. 6th I also will and bequeath to my said wife two cows and one young heifer also three young shoats, now in the stable Together with sufficient Hay & feed for the same & also all the slautered port now on hand. 7th I also will and bequeath to my Beloved wife five Hundred Dollars in money Said money to be paid to her by my Executor as soon after my Death as possible. I also will and Bequath to said wife the one half of my share in the Spring wagon & Harness. 8th I will and bequeath to MARGARET BRICKER who is now Living with me on thousand Dollars in money, is to be paid to said MARGARET by my Executor in one year after my Death. 9th I also will & Bequath to said MARGARET one cow, her to have the choice of three that I have now on hand. It is also my will that said MARGARET is to have the choice of one room in the main Building, and also to have priviledge to go through the whole house when necessary and also have the use of the spring & spring house and also it is my will that her cow is to be kept in feed & pasture on the farm as Long as said MARGARET is Single. I also will & Bequeath to said MARGARET one mare for her own use. 10th And after the death of my Beloved Wife ESTER I will and bequeath the said Farm to ALFRED J. STOUGH, Together with all my farming utencials in my possession after my Death. He the said ALFRED J. STOUGH to pay out the bequeaths as follows. To wit: To my Brother JOSEPH GROSS fifty Dollars. 2d To the children of my Brother DAVID GROSS fifty Dollars. Said fifty Dollars to be equally Divided among them. 3d To DANIEL GROSS and BENJAMIN GROSS sons of my Brother CHRISTIAN GROSS Deceased twenty five Dollars each. 4th To DANIEL BAUGHMAN and ELLEN BAUGHMAN heirs of JACOB BAUGHMAN each twenty five Dollars. 5th SUSAN BAUGHMAN wife of JOHN BAUGHMAN fifty Dollars. 6th To SARAH BAUGHMAN widow of PETER BAUGHMAN Deceased fifty Dollars. 7th To ELIZABETH FIGHTNER widow of HENRY FIGHTNER fifty Dollars. 8th To ESTER ZUCK wife of JASHUA ZUCK twenty Dollars. And after all the bequeath hereinbefore mentioned are fully Paid and settled, then it is my will that the Balance of my Estate that is not disposed of in the above Bequeaths, I will and direct that my Executor have erected over my remains a suitable Tombstone not be exceed in coast over four Hundred Dollars, and the Balance if any Left I will and bequeath to the offices of the Brush Creek Reform Church or Congregation. Said Balanced (if any) to be placed on Interest and the yearly Interest thereof to be paid toward the Sallary of the Reformed Preacher who ever he may be. The organ that is excepted above (after the Death of my Beloved wife) I will & Bequeath to said MARGARET BRICKER. And I do hereby constitute and appoint JOHN SHRUM (Son of SOLOMON SHRUM Deceased) of said Township aforesaid my Executor of this my Will & Testament. Witness my hand and seal this 12th day of February A.D. 1876. DANIEL GROSS Witness Present HENRY LONG, SAM ROCK State of Pennsylvania, County of Westmoreland SS. Before me CHRIST CRIBBS Register of Wills in and for the County aforesaid personally appeared A. Y. MARSH and M. J.MILLER JR who being duly sworn according to law depose and say that they are familiarly acquainted with the hand writing of SAMUEL ROCK whose name appears signed as a witness to the last will and testament of DANIEL GROSS late of Hempfield Township deca?(tm)d hereto attached, having frequently seen him write and make his signature and that the name of SAMUEL ROCK signed as aforesaid is in the proper hand writing of him the said SAMUEL ROCK as they verify believe, and that the said SAMUEL ROCK is now deceased. A. G. MARSH, M. J. MILLER JR. Sworn and subscribed before me this 6th day of Feby 1889. CHRIST CRIBBS, Register PROOF OF DECEASE WESTMORELAND COUNTY, SS: M. J. MILLER JR upon his oath saith that DANIEL GROSS late of Hempfield Township in said County, died on the 3 day of Feby A.D., 1889, about the hour of 5:30 A.M. M. J. MILLER JR. sworn and subscribed the 6 day of Feby A.D., 1889, before me, CHRIST CRIBBS, Register. PROBATE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, County of Westmoreland ss. Be it remembered, that on the 6th day of Feby A.D., 1889 before me, CHRIST CRIBBS, Register of Wills, in and for said county, personally appeared HENRY LONG who being duly sworn according to law, deposed and says that he was present and saw DANIEL GROSS of Hempfield Township in said county, now deceased, sign his name at the end of the within and annexed writing and heard him publish and declare the same to be his LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT; that at the time of so doing he was of sound mind, memory and understanding, and that he signed his names thereto as witness, at his request in his presence and in the presence of SAMUEL ROCK the other subscribing witness who is now deceased. HENRY LONG Witness my hand and official seal the day and year aforesaid. CHRIST CRIBBS, Register