Page 291Adams, John, defends soldiers engaged in Boston Massacre, i. 72; chosen to Continental Congress, i. 105; Chief Justice of Massachusetts, i. 157; and Resolution of May 15, i. 181; on General Sullivan, i. 213; his wrath at the fall of Ticonderoga, i.,271; comments on army officers, ii. 31; impatient of Fabian policy of Washington, ii. 36; on the war, ii. 194.Page 292
Adams, Samuel, denies the right to tax colonies without their consent, i. 16; leads the Massachusetts assembly in opposition to the stamp act, i. 22; and Townshend acts, i. 48; makes up his mind for Independence, i. 54; caricatured, i. 56; his grasp of the political situation in 1768, i. 57; letters of" Vindex," i. 60; and the Boston Massacre, i. 68; committees of correspondence, 7779; at Salem, i. 104; friendship for Joseph Warren, i. 107; Hutchinson on, i. 119; Gage's attempt to corrupt Adams, i. 119; at Concord, i. 120; no pardon for, i. 137; on the conduct of Great Britain, i. 172; supposed to favour " Conway Cabal," ii. 34; price of his suit of clothes in Continental currency, ii. 198; and views of moderate Tories on the alliance with France, ii. 208.
Albany, i. 338.
Albany Congress, called in 1754, to unite against the French, i. 7; Franklin's "Albany Plan," i. 9.
Alden, Captain, of Lebanon, ii. 74.
Alleghanies, the territory beyond, ii. 95; “Dark and Bloody Ground," ii. 96.
Allen, Ethan, and Ticonderoga, i. 130.
Allen, Rev. Mr., of Pittsfield, at Bennington, i. 282.
Anbury, Lieutenant, i. 337.
"Anderson, John," correspondence signed. See Andre.
André., Major John, and Miss Shippen, ii. 57; correspondence with Arnold, ii. 213; interview with Arnold, ii. 217, 218; conceals Arnold's papers, ii. 220; arrest of, ii. 222; taken to Tappan, ii. 228; trial, ii. 229; efforts of Clinton to save him, ii. 230; Lord Stanhope on, ii. 232; Mr. Massey on, ii. 234.
Armed Neutrality, ii. 149.
Armstrong, General, at the Brandywine, i. 313, 316.
Arnold, Benedict, marches to Cambridge, i. 126; capture of Ticonderoga, i. 129-131; Arnold and Allen, i. 132; Arnold and Morgan, i. 149; march through Maine, i. 166; opposes Carleton, i. 249; battle of Valcour Island, i. 251; passed over in the appointments by Congress, i. 252; charges against, i. 257; defeats Tryon, i. 259; relieves Fort Stanwix, i. 293; at Freeman's Farm, i. 327; quarrel with Gates, i. 328; second battle at Freeman's Farm, i. 331; wounded, i. 332; sensitive about rank, ii. 30; in command at Philadelphia, ii. 58; the causes leading to his treason, ii. 206; commander at Philadelphia, ii. 206, 208; to leave the army, ii. 210; charged with mismanagement by Reed, ii. 211; marries Miss Shippen, ii. 211; letters to Clinton, signed "Gustavus," ii. 213; Washington ordered to reprimand, ii. 214; comparison with Monk, ii. 215; put in command of West Point, ii. 216; interview with André, ii. 217; flight, ii. 225; letter from the Vulture, ii. 226; letter to Washington in behalf of André, ii. 230; Battersby's story, ii. 234; Gates and Greene on, ii. 235; anecdotes of, ii. 236; his family, ii. 237; remorse and death, ii. 238; services of, ii. 239; in Virginia, ii. 251; at New London, ii. 281.
Arnold, Rev. Edward, ii. 237.
Arnold, Sir James Robertson, ii 237.
Ashe, Samuel, ii. 168; defeated at Briar Creek, ii. 169.Page 293
Augusta, Ga., ii. 167; abandoned by the British, ii. 168; taken by Lee, ii. 264.
Balcarras, Lord, at Freeman's Farm, i. 331.
Barrel, Colonel, i. 23; reply to Lord North, i. 61.
Battersby, Captain, declares that Arnold offered himself in exchange for André, ii. 234.
Baum, Lieut.-Colonel, at Bennington, i. 281.
Beaconsfield, Lord, and Townshend compared, i. 36.
Beauchamp, Lord, opposes a duty on tea, i. 61.
Beaumarchais, furnishes military stores for Lafayette's ship, i. 242.
Beckford, alderman of London, i. 33, 37; on the tea-duty, i. 61.
Bennington, fight at, i. 280-285.
Berckel, Van, of Amsterdam, ii. 156.
Bernard, Francis, governor of Massachusetts, advises reform of colonies, i. 5; quarrels with the assembly, i. 14; prorogues the Massachusetts assembly, i. 48; letters to the king, i. 49; stops impressment of citizens, i. 52; unable to get quarters for troops, i. 59; recalled, i. 62.
Bemis Heights, i. 326.
Birmingham church, i. 313, 315.
Biron, Marshal de, loans money to Sir George Rodney, ii. 137.
Bon Homme Richard, construction of, ii. 118; origin of the name, ii. 122; fights with the Serapis, ii. 125.
Boone, Daniel, in Kentucky, ii. 101.
Boston, Mass., in town meeting opposes Franklin's plan of union, i. 11; frigate Romney sent to, i. 51; impressment of citizens, i. 51.; turbulence of, i. 53; arrival of troops in 1768, i. 58; meeting at Faneuil Hall, i. 58; conduct of the troops, i. 65; Richardson, an informer pelted by schoolboys, i, 66; the Boston Massacre and its lessons, i. 66-72; resisting the landing of tea, i. 84; Old South meeting, i. 86; Boston Tea Party, i. 90; Fox on, i. 102; the siege, i. 126,136; evacuation of, by the British, i. 171; advises independence, i. 182.
Boston Massacre, i. 66; and St. Bartholomew, i. 71; Paul Revere's picture, i. 72; feelings after the trial, i. 72.
Boston Port Bill, i. 95; how received, i. 102.
Botetourt, Lord, governor of Virginia, 1.64.
Bowdoin, James, made president of the Massachusetts Council, i. 157.
Boyd, Lieutenant, tortured, ii. 92.
Brandywine, battle of, i. 313.
Brant, Joseph, or Thayendanegea, i. 286; at Oriskany, i. 289; character of, ii. 83; builds a church, ii. 84; not at Wyoming, ii. 90; at Cherry Valley, ii. 90; sacks Minisink, ii. 91.
Breed's Hill, i. 138. See Bunker Hill.
Breymann, Lieut.-Colonel, at Bennington, i. 281, 284; killed, i. 331.
Briar Creek, fight at, ii. 169.
Brodhead, Colonel, devastates Indian country, ii. 107.
Brooklyn Heights, importance of, i. 206; Howe prepares to besiege, i. 210; Americans withdrawn, i. 211.
Browne, Colonel Thomas, and reprisals, ii. 168.
Buford, Colonel, defeated, ii. 178.
Bunker Hill, occupied by Prescott, i. 137; its advantages over Breed's Hill, i. 138; the assault, i. 140; the Americans retreat, i. 142; losses at, compared with Fredericksburg and Cold Harbor, i. 144; moral effect of the battle, i. 145; Greene and Vergennes on the battle, i. 146.
Burgoyne, General John, i. 113; consults with Lord George Germaine, i. 260; takes Ticonderoga, i. 262; danger from New England, i. 266; on the fall of Ticonderoga, i. 271; reaches Fort Edward, i. 273; in difficulties, i. 274; and the Indians, i. 275; his dangerous situation, i. 266; on public opinion in the colonies, i. 325; letter to Lord George Germaine, i. 325; crosses the Hudson, i. 326; supplies cut off, i. 329; second battle at Freeman's Farm, i. 330; surrounded, i. 333; terms of surrender, i. 335, 336; and General Schuyler, i. 338; letter to Gates on “publick faith," i. 341; return to England, i. 343; end of the army, i. 343.
Burke, Edmund, i. 42; his policy toward the colonies, i. 47; defends Massachusetts, i. 60; on repealing the Tea Act, i. 94; on taxation, i. 111; on employment of Indians, i. 276; condemns policy toward America, ii. 6; denounces war with Holland, ii. 160.
Burnaby, i. 6.
Bute, Lord, ridiculed at Boston, i. 23.
Butler, Colonel John, i. 286; at Fort Niagara, ii. 86; takes charge of Wyoming massacre, ii. 88.
Butler, Zebulon, ii. 87; defends Wyoming, ii. 88.
Buttrick, Major, at Concord, i. 123.
Butts Hill, battle of, ii. 79.
Bylandt, Count, and Fielding, ii. 147.Page 293
Byng, Admiral, and Minorca, if. 144.
Cadwallader, General, at the Delaware, i. 230.
Cambridge, Mass., Washington's as rival in, i. 147.
Camden, Lord, supports Pitt, i. 27.
Camden, S. C., ii. 182; Gates advance upon, ii. 187; battle of, ii. 191; Lord Rawdon leaves, ii. 264.
Campaign of 1777, i. 262.
Campbell, Colonel, ii. 166; takes Augusta, ii. 167.
Campbell, Lord William, refugee governor of South Carolina, i. 198.
Campbell, William, of Virginia, at King's Mountain, ii. 245, 247.
Canada, boundaries defined in Quebec Act, i. 97; Montgomery's invasion of, i. 164.
Carleton, Sir Guy, i. 164; defends Quebec, i. 1671 to cooperate with General Howe, i. 201; operations on Lake Champlain, i. 249; blamed for his retreat, i. 252; supersedes Clinton at New York, ii. 288.
Carr, Dabney, in the Virginia assembly, i. 80.
Carroll, Charles, of Carrollton, urges Maryland to unite with the other colonies, i. 187.
Castle William, British soldiers at, I. 58.
Caswell, Col. Richard, at Moore's Creek, i. 177; at Camden, ii. 188.
Catherine of Russia, refuses to let George III. hire Russian troops, i. 161; influenced by French philosophers, ii. 143; and neutral commerce, ii. 146; proclamation concerning neutrals, ii. 149; importance of principles laid down by her, ii. 151; decides not to aid Holland in the war with England, ii. 157; writes to Frederick the Great, ii. 158.
Cavendish, Lord John, and German troops, i. 161.
Cayugas, famine among, ii. 93.
Chadd's Ford, Washington at, i. 313.
Champlain, Lake, operations on, i. 249.
Charleston, S. C., attack of Clinton and Parker, i. 199; Prevost before, ii. 170; message of council to Prevost, ii. 172; Lincoln surrenders to Clinton, ii. 178.
Charlestown, Mass., soldiers seize powder, i. 107.
Charlotte, N. C., Cornwallis at, ii. 244; Gates occupies, ii. 249.
Chastellux, Marquis de, ii. 203.
Chase, Samuel, leader in Maryland, i. 187.
Chatham, Earl of. See Pitt, William.
Cherokees, depredations of, ii. 102; defeated at Watauga, ii. 103.
Cherry Valley, massacre at, ii. 90.
Chester, Pa., Washington at, i. 316.
Chew, Benjamin, British soldiers in house of, i. 319.
Church, Dr. Benjamin, in secret correspondence with the enemy, i. 153.
Clark, George Rogers, character of, ii. 104; lays plans before Patrick Henry, ii. 105; conquers the Northwestern territory, ii. 106; results of work, ii. 108; death, ii. 109.
Clark, Jonas, i. 120, 121.
Clark, William, expedition to Columbia river in 1804, ii. 109.
Clarke, Sir Francis, and Gates, i. 333.
Clermont, S. C., ii. 190.
Cleveland, Benjamin, at King's Mountain, ii. 246, 247.
Clinton, George, occupies Hackensack, i. 235.
Clinton, Sir Henry, i. 113; sails for the Carolinas, i. 176; attacks Fort Moultrie, i. 199; in command at New York i. 308; to aid Burgoyne, i. 929, 334; his letter to Burgoyne, i. 335; commander-in-chief, ii. 57; evacuates Philadelphia, ii. 58; retreat at Monmouth, ii. 65; attempts to aid Pigott, ii. 79; sends troops to West Indies, ii. 81; captures Stony Point, ii. 111; goes to Georgia, ii. 176; injudicious proclamation, ii. 180; prepares for Arnold's betrayal of West Point, ii. 217; advice to André, ii. 219; tries to save André, ii. 229, 230; mutiny of General Wayne's troops, ii. 242; and Cornwallis, ii. 261; sends Arnold against New London, ii. 281; too late to help Cornwallis, ii. 283; superseded by Carleton, ii. 288.
Clinton, General James, at Tioga, ii. 91.
Colden, upholds the Stamp Act in New York, i. 24; surrenders the stamps, i. 25.
Colonial governors, how chosen, i. 2; misrepresentations to the Lords of Trade, i. 3; their salaries, i. 3.
Colonies, the, plans to weaken, i. 4; plans to unite, i. 5; first thought of separation from England, i. 55; public opinion before the Revolution, i. 56; adopt non-importation policy, i. 65; standard of political right and wrong, i. 70, 71; assemblies ignored, i. 74; belief that the colonies would not support Massachusetts, i. 102; middle colonies, i. 115; declaring for independence, i. 178; action on Lee's motion, i. 184, 185; results of colonial enmities, i. 245; condition after Camden, ii.
196; effects of paper currency, ii. 197.Page 295
Commerce of neutrals, sketch of, ii. 138-160.
Committees of correspondence, i. 78; Daniel Leonard on, i. 79.
"Common Sense," i. 174.
Concord, fight at the bridge, i. 123.
Connecticut, number of men at siege of Boston, i. 147.
Connolly, Dr. John, ii. 97; warns settlers, ii. 98.
Consolato del Mare, ii. 139.
Continental army, Washington chosen to command, i. 133; reorganization, i. 155; Washington on the militia, i. 245, 246; conduct at Saratoga, i. 337; condition of, ii. 200; mutinies, ii. 240, 242.
Continental Congress, i. 104; meets, 1. 110; Chatham on, i. 111; second meeting, May, 1775, i. 132; its choice of Washington, i. 133; petition to the king, i. 159; effects of news of burning of Portland, i. 164; authorizes invasion of Canada, i. 164; issues letters of marque, i. 175; recommends independent governments, i. 181; Lee's motion, i. 183; meddles with the army, i. 219; encourages Germans to desert, i. 236; negotiates with France, i. 240,241; its powers, i. 243; increases the army, i. 246; Arnold omitted by Congress in new appointments, i. 252; removes Schuyler, i. 296; bad faith in dealing with Burgoyne's army, i. 339-343; commissioners sent from England to, ii. 9; refuses to treat with them, ii. 23; needs money and men, ii. 26; niggardly policy of, ii. 27; mistakes of, ii. 28; meddles with Washington, ii. 33; losing popularity, ii. 47; weakness of, ii. 118; favours arming of negroes, ii. 171; charges against Arnold, ii. 211, 212; appointment of Greene at the South, ii. 250.
Continental currency in 1780, ii. 197.
Conway, Thomas, forms "Conway Cabal" opposed to Washington, ii. 34; made inspector-general, ii. 36; fights a duel with Cadwallader, and goes to France, ii. 46.
Conyngham, Gustavus, with ships Surprise and Revenge, ii. 120.
Cook, Captain, not to be molested, ii. 121.
Cornwallis, Lord, his arrival, i. 198; reaches Trenton, i. 231; his opinion of Washington, i. 238; at the Brandywine, i. 313, 315; enters Philadelphia, i. 317; near Monmouth Court House, ii. 61; goes to Georgia, ii. 176; unable to prevent outrages in South Carolina, ii. 180, 181; on Marion and Sumter, ii. 184; reaches Camden, ii. 189, 196; and Arnold, ii. 236; invades North Carolina, ii. 244, 248; divides his army, ii. 253; manoeuvres leading to battle of Guilford, ii. 256; the battle, ii. 258; retreat, ii. 260, 261; at Petersburg, ii. 269; occupies Yorktown, ii. 272; surrounded, ii. 280; surrender at Yorktown, ii. 282, 283.
Cowpens, battle of the, ii. 254.
Cresap, Captain Michael, ii. 98; unjustly blamed, ii. 99; dies, ii. 100.
Crown Point, capture of, i. 131.
Cruisers, American, damage done by, ii. 119.
Cumberland, Duke of, i. 337.
Cushing, Thomas, delegate to Congress, i. 105.
Cuyler, Yan Yost, used by Arnold to frighten St. Leger, i. 295.
Dalrymple, Colonel, in Boston, i. 58. Danbury, Tryon's expedition against, i. 259.
Dartmouth, Lord, colonial secretary, i. 82.
Dawes, William, gives the alarm, i. 121.
Deane, Silas, sent to Paris, i. 240.
Declaratory act, advocated by Pitt, I. 26; passed, i. 27.
Declaration of Independence, the vote on, i. 192; final adoption, i. 194; a deliberate expression of the sober I thought of the people, i. 195.
Delancey, governor of New York, opposes Franklin's plan of union, i. 10.
Dickinson, John, publishes his Farmer's Letters, i. 47; favours reconciliation, i. 103, 158; opposes Declaration of Independence, i. 191.
Diderot and Helvetius, ii. 142.
Dinwiddie, governor of Virginia, advocates union of colonies in two confederacies, i. 5.
Donop, Count, i. 229; at Princeton, i. 231; at Fort Mercer, i. 324.
Dorchester Heights fortified, i. 170.
Drayton, Judge, of South Carolina, i. 196.
Duane, James, in Continental Congress, i. 182.
Ducondray, talked of for major-general, ii. 30.
Duddington, Lieutenant, and the cruise of the Gaspee, i. 76.
Duluth, an Indian, and Jenny McCrea, i. 278.
Dummer, Jeremiah, i. 6.
Dunmore, Lord, his proclamation, i. 178; fires Norfolk, i. 180; "Lord Dunmore's war," ii. 97.
Duponceau, Pierre, secretary to Steuben, ii. 51, 52.
Eden, Robert, governor of Maryland, i. 187.Page 296
Elkton, Howe at, i. 311.
England, position of, ii. 161. See Great Britain.
Estaing, Count d', approaching America, ii. 58; arrives at mouth of Delaware, ii. 72; meets Washington's aids, ii. 72; unable to enter New York harbour, ii. 73; arrives at Newport, ii. 75; prevented from naval battle by storm, ii. 76; goes to Boston, ii. 77; sails for the West Indies, ii. 80; takes Grenada and St. Vincent, ii. 136; appears off Savannah, ii. 174.
Esther, Queen, at Wyoming Massacre, ii. 89.
Eutaw Springs, battle of, ii. 266.
Ewing, General, at the Delaware, i. 229.
Fairfield and Norwalk burned by British, ii. 110.
Farmer's Letters, i. 47.
Fauquier, Governor, dissolves the Virginia assembly, i, 20.
Ferguson, Captain, massacres troops, ii. 110; expedition of, ii. 245; battle of King's Mountain, ii. 247. Fielding, Admiral, and Bylandt, ii. 147.
Flag, used at Cambridge, i. 172; first stars and stripes hoisted, i. 291.
Flamborough Read, naval fight off, ii. 124.
Florida Blanca, and the intrigues of Spain, ii. 132, 135.
Fort Edward, Marquis de Chastellux on, i. 274.
Fort Griswold, ii. 281.
Fort Jefferson established, ii. 107.
Fort Lee, Greene's escape from, i. 223.
Fort Mercer, and Fort Mifflin, i. 319; taken by Howe, i. 324.
Fort Motte, and Fort Granby, taken, ii. 264.
Fort Moultrie, i. 198,199; victory of, ii. 2; surrenders, ii. 178.
Fort Pitt, danger at, ii. 97.
Fort Stanwix, St. Leger's advance upon, i. 286.
Fort Washington, taken by Howe, i. 220; serious loss to America, ii. 179.
Fort Watson taken, ii. 263.
Fox, Charles James, on the Tea Act, i. 94; and Boston, i. 102; on Lord North's change of policy, ii. 9.
France, prospect of war with, in 1754, i. 7; Shirley urges union against, I. 11; interest in American affairs at time of Franklin's arrival, i. 240; treaty with United States, ii. 9; plans of, ii. 10; unpopularity of French alliance, ii. 80; and Spain, ii. 131; treaty with Spain, it. 134; attempts invasion of England, ii. 135; and neutrals, ii. 139; influence of French philosophers, ii. 142; Estaing at Savannah, ii. 174; value of French alliance, ii. 201; Arnold and the alliance, ii. 209.
Francis, Colonel, at the battle of Hubbardton, i. 270.
Franklin, Benjamin, advocates confederation in his "Albany Plan,” 1754, i. 7; recommends that new colonies be founded on Lake Erie and in the Ohio valley, i. 9; his Albany Plan, favoured by royal governors, i. 10, but opposed by the people, i.11; on taxing the colonies for the French war, i. 15; goes to London to oppose the Stamp Act, i. 17, letter to Thomson, i. 18; favours representation in Parliament, i. 34; wishes Massachusetts to indemnify the East India Company, i. 103; in England, i. 114; his plan of union refused, i. 158; in France, i. 240; Voltaire and Turgot on, i. 240; his supervision of maritime affairs, ii. 121.
Franklin, William, prorogues New Jersey assembly, i. 185.
Fraser, General, at Hubbardton, i. 270; at Freeman's Farm, i. 326, 327; death of, i. 331.
Frederick the Great, i. 162; on Montgomery, i. 168; admires American soldiers, i. 323; writes Franklin at Paris, ii. 11; and Catherine of Russia, ii. 143; at Mollwitz, ii. 193.
Freeman's Farm, first battle at, i. 326; second battle, i. 330.
French alliance. See France.
French war, expenses of, i. 15.
Frothingham, opinion of Franklin's "Albany Plan," i. 9.
Gadsden, Christopher, i. 21; his broad views expressed at the Stamp Act congress, i. 22; to Franklin, i. 103; ii. 230.
Gage, General, dare not uphold the Stamp Act in New York, i. 25; in Boston, i. 59; on the Boston Tea Party, i. 94; supersedes Hutchinson as governor, i. 97; convenes assembly at Salem, i. 104; fortifies Boston Neck, i. 108; Hume on, i. 112; ordered to arrest Adams and Hancock, i. 120; besieged in Boston, i. 126; his proclamation, i. 137; decides to try an assault on Breed's Hill, i. 140.
Galitzin, Prince, understands the Holland situation, ii. 158.
Galvez takes Baton Rouge and Mobile, ii. 136.
Gansevoort, Peter, defends Fort Stanwix, i. 287.Page 297
Gaspee ravages the coast, i. 76.
Gates, Horatio, i. 151; in New Jersey, i. 226; at Trenton, i. 229; intrigues against Schuyler, i. 254, 256; visits Congress, i. 257; and Ticonderoga, i. 272; supersedes Schuyler, i. 296; and battle at Freeman's Farm, i. 327; and Arnold, i. 328, 332; and Sir Francis Clarke, i. 333; at Saratoga, i. 337; jealous of Washington, ii. 33; president of Board of War, ii. 36; shows Conway's letter to Wilkinson, ii. 39; plans a duel with Wilkinson, ii. 42; plan for Lafayette a failure, ii. 45; appointed to command in the South, ii. 186; at Camden, ii. 188-194; superseded by Greene, ii. 250.
General Court, opposes a fixed salary for the governor, i. 4.
George II., wishes to join alliance against Frederick the Great, ii. 19.
George III., i. 37; favours Townshend's measures, i. 38; his opinion of Shakespeare, i. 39; his character, i. 39, 40; hates the Whigs, i. 43; responsible for the Revolution, i. 44; influence over Lord North, i. 46; his rage on receiving the circular letter, i. 49; virtually prime minister, i. 73; and the duty on tea, i. 83; his act for trial of magistrates indicted for murder, i. 96; result of his policy, i. 98; tries to hire troops from Russia, i. 160; hires German soldiers, i. 161; and Trenton, i. 238; on Ticonderoga, i. 271; hatred of Chatham, ii. 13; England under, ii. 162; receives news of surrender at Yorktown, ii. 285; meaning of Lord North's downfall, ii. 290.
Georgia, British plans to attack, ii. 164; plundered, ii. 167.
Gerard, M., first minister from France, comes to United States, ii. 72; and Congress, ii. 134.
Germain, Lord George, on the Boston Tea Party, i. 93; succeeds Lord Dartmouth, i. 163; on the battle of Trenton, i. 238; plans to secure Hudson valley, i. 260; his plan of campaign for 1777, i. 262-265; and the orders for General Howe, i. 267; and Lee, i. 300; and General Burgoyne, i. 305; Howe receives his letter, i. 311; barbarous policy, ii. 24; blames Burgoyne and Howe, ii. 57; uses Indians, ii. 82; failure of plans, ii. 109; truculent, ii. 161; approves General Prevost's vandalism, ii. 169; policy seems successful, ii. 196; receives news of surrender at Yorktown, ii. 285; dismissed, ii. 288.
German Empire, future of, ii. 19.
Germantown, Howe at, i. 317; the situation at, i. 318; battle at, f. 321; cause of panic, i. 323.
German troops, hired by George III., i. 161; indignation in Germany, i. 162; in America, i. 172; encouraged to desert, i. 236; under Riedesel, i. 268; at Bennington, i. 280-285; become American citizens, i. 343.
Gibraltar, siege of, ii. 136.
Gladstone, W. E., and the Boers, i. 36.
Glover, General John, i. 211; crosses the Delaware, i. 230; aids Washington, ii. 79.
Goldfinch, Captain, at the Boston Massacre, i. 66.
Gordon, the historian, on the Boston Tea Party, i. 92.
Grafton, Duke of, prime minister, i. 28; ministry reorganized, i. 46; resigns, i. 72.
Grand Council, in Franklin's plan of union, 1754, i. 8; its duties and powers, i. 8; plan rejected, i. 11.
Grant, General, at battle of Long Island, i. 207.
Grasse, Count de, ii. 273; starts for Chesapeake Bay, ii. 275; battle with British fleet, ii. 279; defeat in West Indies, ii. 287.
Graves, Admiral, battle with French fleet, ii. 279.
Great Barrington, Mass., a crowd prevents the judges from transacting business at, i. 106.
Great Britain, political parties between 1760 and 1784, i. 38, 41; lose of colonies, it. 5; declares war against France, ii. 11; situation desperate, ii. 11; hated by France and Spain, ii. 130, 131; and Spain's treaty with France, ii. 134; and neutrals, ii. 138, 139; desires an alliance with Russia, ii. 143; and Dutch commerce, ii. 147; free ships make free goods, adopted, ii. 151; war with Holland, ii. 152, 156; position after surrender at Yorktown, ii. 286.
Greene, Nathanael, i. 150; fortifies Brooklyn Heights, i. 206; holds Fort Washington, i. 219; mistake of, i. 220; escapes from Fort Lee, i. 223; on Howe and Burgoyne, i. 310; at the Brandywine, i. 315; at Germantown, i. 321; at Monmouth, ii. 64; advises Estaing, ii. 77; the choice of Washington, ii. 185; presides over military commission to judge André, ii. 229; and Robertson, ii. 230; versed in military law, ii. 232; supersedes Gates at the South, ii. 250; manoeuvres leading to battle of Guilford, ii. 256; the battle of Guilford, ii. 258; in South
Carolina, ii. 263, 264; at Eutaw Springs, ii. 266; his ability, i. 267.Page 298
"Green Mountain Boys," i. 130; do not favour an invasion of Canasta, ii. 45.
Grenville, George, Prime Minister, i. 14; his Declaratory Resolves, i. 15; goes out of office, i. 25.
Grey, Sir Charles, defeats Wayne, i. 317; at Germantown, i. 319.
"Gustavus," correspondence signed. See Arnold, Benedict.
Habeas Corpus, suspension of, i. 3.
Hale, Nathan, hanged as a spy by Howe, ii. 228.
Hamilton, Alexander, ii. 170; pursues Arnold, ii. 227; at Yorktown, ii. 282.
Hamilton, Colonel Henry, ii. 104; takes Vincennes, ii. 106.
Hancock John, his sloop Liberty seized, i. 51; compared with Adams and Warren, i. 107; president Provincial Congress, i. 109; at Concord, i. 120; president Continental Congress, i. 133; no pardon for, i. 137; advice to set fire to Boston, i. 169; vanity of, and opposition to Samuel Adams, ii. 34; motion of thanks to, defeated, ii. 35; furnishes sleighs to Steuben, ii. 52.
Hanging Rock, Andrew Jackson at, ii. 185.
Hardy, Admiral, opposes French and Spanish fleets, ii. 136.
Harlem Heights, attack upon, i. 215.
Harris, James, Earl of Malmesbury, at the Russian court, ii. 144.
Harrison, Benjamin, conducts John Hancock to the chair, i. 133; " one's own country first of all," i. 172.
Harrod, James, in Kentucky, ii. 101.
Heath, General, to fortify West Point, i. 218; pays for provisions with Continental paper money, i. 340; on Congress and Burgoyne's army, i. 341.
Heister, General von, at the battle of Long Island, i. 207.
Henry VIII., statute concerning "treason committed abroad," i. 53; act extended to America, i. 160.
Henry, Patrick, and the "Parsons' Cause," i. 19; sent to the colonial assembly, i. 20; his resolutions, i. 20; on Washington, i. 135 anonymous letter to, ii. 37.
Herkimer, General Nicholas, marches against St. Leger, i. 287; battle of Oriskany, i. 290; death, i. 292.
Hessians, at Fort Washington, i. 220; at Trenton, i. 230; prohibited by Frederick the Great from passing through his dominions, ii. 11; desert Sir Henry Clinton, ii. 66. See also German troops.
Hillsborough, Lord, instructions to Bernard, i. 49; how received, i. 50; on Lord North's compromise, i. 62; superseded by Lord Dartmouth, i. 82.
Hillsborough, N. C., ii. 185; flight of Gates to, ii. 193; Cornwallis at, ii. 257.
Holland, joins Armed Neutrality, ii. 155. See Netherlands.
Hood, Sir Samuel, misses the French fleet, ii. 278.
Hopkins, Stephen, and the Gaspee, i. 77.
Howe, Lord, i. 113; negotiations with Washington, i. 202; and Staten Island Conference, i. 213; and Charles Lee, i. 301.
Howe, General Robert, defeated, ii. 166, 167.
Howe, General Sir William, i. 112; at Bunker Hill, i. 140; makes a third assault on Bunker Hill, i. 142; and Dorchester Heights, i. 170; at New York, i. 189; plan to cooperate with General Carleton, i. 201; battle of Long Island, i. 207; takes New York, i. 214; battle of White Plains, i. 217; takes Fort Washington, i. 220; takes Fort Lee, i. 223; compared with Caesar, i. 228; and the plan of 1777, i. 262; and the orders, i. 268; campaign of Burgoyne, i. 299; and Charles Lee, i. 300; New Jersey campaign, i. 306; letter to Burgoyne, i. 308; sails for Chesapeake Bay, i. 309; at Germantown, i. 317; takes Forts Mercer and Mifflin, i. 324; proposes to ship Burgoyne's army from Newport, i. 339; at Philadelphia, ii. 56; resigns, ii. 57.
Hubbardton, battle of, i. 270.
Huger, General, commands main army under Greene, ii. 256.
Hume, David, calls Gage a coward, i. 112.
Hutchinson, Chief Justice, of Massachusetts, grants writs of assistance, i. 13; mob sack his house, i. 24; made governor, i. 62, 63; orders Preston's arrest, i. 67; described by Adams, i. 68; and salaries of judges, i. 77; on committees of correspondence, i. 79; and the tea-ships, i. 89; on Samuel Adams, i. 119.
Illustrious Ninety-Two, i. 50. Impressment of citizens, i. 51; public disapproval, i. 52; effect in England, i. 53.
Independence declared, i. 194.
Indians, join Burgoyne, i. 275; Burke on, i. 276; Jenny McCrea, i. 277; desert Burgoyne, i. 280; Johnson
and, i. 286; pursue St. Leger, i. 296.Page 299
Iroquois, country of, devastated, ii. 92.
Jackson, Andrew, i. , at Hanging Rock, ii. 185.
Jackson, "Stonewall," Washington compared with, i. 232; his manoeuvres at Chancellorsville compared to the Brandywine, i. 314.
Jameson, Colonel John, and André, ii. 223.
Jay, John, approves Arnold's resignation, ii. 210.
Jefferson, Thomas, i. 55; sent to Congress, i. 132; author of Declaration of Independence, i. 193; kind to English soldier, i. 343; Tarleton tries to capture, ii. 271; immortalizes Logan, ii. 99; Cornwallis's attempt to capture, ii. 271.
Johnson, Dr., "they are a race of convicted felons," i. 62.
Johnson, Sir John, influence in the Mohawk valley, i. 201; joins St. Leger, i. 262; advances upon Fort Stanwix, i. 285; papers captured, i. 291; at Newtown, ii. 91.
Johnson, Thomas, nominates Washington commander-in-chief, i. 135.
Johnson, Sir William, educates Indians, ii. 83.
Jones, Lieut. David, betrothed to Miss McCrea, i. 277.
Jones, John Paul, captures the Drake, ii. 120; his squadron, ii. 122; cruise on the British coast, ii. 123, 124; fight with the Serapis, ii. 125; effects of the victory, ii. 129; death, ii. 130; interest of Denmark and Russia in, ii. 149.
Judges, salaries to be paid by the crown, i. 77.
Kalb, Baron, i. 239; sent to Hillsborough, North Carolina, ii. 185; recommends attack on Camden, ii. 189; death of, it. 193.
Kaskaskia, taken by George Rogers Clark, ii. 105.
King's Mountain, battle of, ii. 246, 247; effect of, ii. 248.
Kirkland, Samuel, influences the Oneidas and Tuscaroras to aid Americans, i. 286.
Knox, Henry, a trusty follower of Washington, i. 150; brings cannon on sledges from Ticonderoga, i. 170.
Knyphausen, at the battle of the Brandywine, i. 313; at Monmouth Court House, ii. 62; at New York, ii. 175.
Kosciusko, comes to America, i. 242; at Bemis Heights, i. 326; with Greene at Charlotte, ii. 252.
Lafayette, Marquis de, i. 241; asked to go to Canada, ii. 43; meets Gates at dinner at York, ii. 44; rides to Boston, ii. 78; visit to France, ii. 202; gets troops for America, ii. 203; aid Washington, ii. 225; suggests that André be exchanged for Arnold, ii. 231; on the military commission to judge André, ii. 233; and Cornwallis in Virginia, ii. 270; on Malvern Hill, ii. 272; Yorktown, ii. 280.
Lake Erie, Franklin advocates the founding of a colony on, i. 9.
Lancaster, Pa., Congress at, i. 317.
Landais, Captain, of the Alliance, ii. 123; avoids the battle with Serapis, ii. 128; discharged from navy, ii. 130.
Langdon, Dr., president of Harvard college, i. 137.
Langlade, Charles de, joins Burgoyne, i. 275.
Lauderdale, Earl of, duel with Arnold, ii. j36.
Laurens, Henry, president of Congress, ii. 34; anonymous letter to, ii. 37; captured, ii. 155; shut up in Tower, ii. 156; plan for arming negroes, ii. 170; at Yorktown, ii. 283.
Laurens, John, duel with Lee, ii. 71.
Lauzun-Biron, Duke de, arrives at Newport, ii. 203.
Lecky, Mr., on John Adams' election to the assembly, i. 72; on the Boston Tea Party, i. 91.
Lee, Arthur, in France, i. 239.
Lee, Charles, i. 152; at Charlestown, i. 199; disobeys Washington, i. 221; letter to Bowdoin, i. 224; letter to Gates, i. 226; capture of, i. 226; in captivity, i. 299; his treason, i. 301; his plan to capture Philadelphia, i. 302, 303; describes Congress, ii. 30; returns to Valley Forge, ii. 59; takes command of part of army, ii. 60; shameful retreat, ii. 63; suspended for one year, ii. 67; character of, ii. 69; duel with John Laurens, ii. 71; expelled from army, ii. 71; retires to Shenandoah valley, ii. 71; death, ii. 71; and Fort Washington, ii. 179; to Gates, ii. 186; last wish of, ii. 238.
Lee, Henry, Major, exploit at Paulus Hook, ii. 114; son of Washington's "Lowland Beauty," ii. 115; father of Robert E. Lee, ii. 115; with Greene at Charlotte, ii. 251.
Lee, Richard Henry, i. 80; his motion in Congress that the colonies be free, i. 183; the vote on his motion, i. 192.
Lee, William, secret treaty with Jean de Neufville, ii. 156.
Leonard, Daniel, on committees of correspondence, i. 79.
Leslie, General, ordered to join Cornwallis, ii. 249; goes to South Carolina, ii. 251.Page 300
Lewis, Andrew, defeats Cornstalk, ii. 100.
Lewis, Meriweather, ii. 109. Lexington, fight at, i. 122; the retreat, i. 125; the news reaches England, i. 127; second Revolutionary period, ii. 2.
Lexington, Ky., settled, ii. 101. Liberty, sloop, seized, i. 51.
Lincoln, General, i. 274; at Bennington, i. 280; and Gates, i. 329; sent to Charleston, ii. 167; attacks General Prevost, ii. 173; cooperates with Estaing, ii. 174; surrenders Charleston, ii. 177; at Yorktown, ii. 282.
Livingston, Colonel, fires on the Vulture, ii. 218.
Livingston, Robert, i. 5; opposes Lee's motion, i. 183.
Logan, John, character of, ii. 97; family murdered by Greathouse, ii. 98.
Longfellow, Henry W., home of, used by Washington, i. 151.
Long Island, battle of, i. 207-209.
Lords of Trade, duties of, i. 2; insist on fixed salary for the governor, I. 3; plan union of the colonies, i. 5.
Louis XVI., sympathizes with George III., i. 241.
Lowe, Robert, on Marathon, i. 69. Luzerne and Washington, ii. 224.
McCrea, Jenny, scalped by Indians, i. 277.
Macdonald, Donald, at battle of Moore's Creek, North Carolina, i. 176.
Macdonald, Flora, comes to America, i. 176.
McDowell, Charles, at the battle of King's Mountain, ii. 246.
McNeil, Mrs., the friend of Miss McCrea, i. 277.
Madison, James, at Princeton, i. 73.
Magaw, Colonel, in charge of Fort Washington, i. 220.
Mansfield, Lord, defends Stamp Act, i.27.
Marblehead, made port of entry, i. 95; invites merchants of Boston to use wharves, i. 103.
Marion, Francis, ii. 183; at Nelson's Ferry, ii. 195; with Greene, ii, 252,
Maritime law, ii. 138. See Neutrals,
Marshall, John, at Great Bridge, Virginia, i, 179.
Martha's Vineyard, plundered, ii. 109.
Martin, Luther, issues a counter proclamation to that of Howe, i. 312.
Maryland taxed, i. 74; declares for Independence, i. 187; bravery of her troops, i. 209; Charles Lee declares people nearly all royalists, i. 302; troops at Camden, ii. 193, 194.
Massachusetts, governor's salary, i. 3; right to control expenditure, i. 14; Stamp Act resolutions, i. 22; their reception in England, i. 23; address to the king, i. 47; circular letter, i. 48; assembly prorogued by Governor Bernard, i. 48; ordered to rescind the circular letter, i. 49; refuses to rescind, i. 50; resists the duty on tea, i. 84; and Regulating Act, i. 105; soldiers in 1757, i. 110; declared in rebellion, i. 112; number of men at siege of Boston, i. 147; new government, 1775, i. 157; in second Revolutionary period, ii. 1.
Massey, Mr., on André, ii. 234.
Mathews, General, sacks Portsmouth and Norfolk, ii. 110.
Maury, Rev. James, test case of, i. 19.
Mawhood, Colonel, in battle near Princeton, i. 233.
Maxwell, General, takes Elizabethtown, i. 235.
Mayhew, Jonathan, favours "communion of colonies," i. 77.
Mayham, Major, assists in attack on Fort Watson, ii. 263.
Mecklenburg County Resolves, i. 128; and the Mecklenburg "Declaration of Independence," i. 128.
Mercer, General, at Princeton, i. 233.
Middlebrook, Washington at, i. 306.
Minorca, importance of, ii. 144.
Minute-men, i. 109.
Mischianza, farewell banquet to Howe, ii. 57.
Mohawk valley, terror in, ii. 93.
Monk, George, Duke of Albemarle, ii. 69; compared with Arnold, ii. 215; Arnold compared with, ii. 235. Monmouth, battle of, ii. 62; loss at, ii. 66.
Montagu, Rear-Admiral, defends Duddington, i. 76.
Montgomery, Richard, i. 151; invades Canada, i. 165; his death, i. 167.
Montreal, taken by Montgomery, i. 165; retaken by Carleton, i. 168.
Moore's Creek, fight at, i. 177.
Morgan, Daniel, i. 147, 148; captured at Quebec, i. 167; at Freeman's Farm, i. 330; his light infantry, ii. 55; joins Gates, ii. 250; at the battle of the Cowpens, ii. 254, 255.
Morris, Gouverneur, on Gates, i. 297.
Morris, Robert, raises money, i. 244; conciliatory, ii. 15; letter of Silas Deane, ii. 119.
Morristown, American army well established at, i. 260; Washington moves back to, i. 308; discontent of soldiers at, ii. 240.
Moultrie, William, his defence of Sullivan's Island, i. 198, 199; defends Port Royal, ii. 168.Page 301
Mount Airy, British routed upon, i. 321.
Mount Defiance, seized by General Phillips, i. 269, 272.
Mowatt, Captain, burns Portland, i. 163.
Murray, Mrs. Lindley, saves Putnam's army, i. 215.
Musgrave, Colonel, at the battle of Germantown, i. 319, 321.
Myrmidons, hiring of, provokes Americans, i. 172.
Napoleon I., i. 304; flank-movement at Austerlitz, i. 314; relies upon Davoust at Jena, ii. 268; at Ulm, compared with Washington at Yorktown, ii. 281.
Napoleon III., mistakes of colonies compared with those of, i. 102.
Nashville settled, ii. 107.
Netherlands, and England, ii. 130; ships searched by England, ii. 146; war with Great Britain, ii. 152.
Neutrals, rights of, ii. 138; by the Consolato del Mare, ii. 139; Prussian doctrine, ii. 141; Prussian doctrine adopted by France, ii. 145; proclamation of Catherine of Russia, ii. 149; the Armed Neutrality, ii. 149.
New Hampshire, right to choose representatives, i. 3; number of men at siege of Boston, i. 147.
New Haven, volunteers on college green at, i. 126.
New Jersey, the governor dismissed, i. 14; declares for independence, i. 185; British driven from, i. 235.
New London, Arnold at, ii. 28i.
Newport, attempt to capture, ii. 75; Admiral Ternay arrives at, ii. 203.
Newtown, battle of, ii. 91.
New York, arbitrary government in, i. 13; assembly suspended, i. 32; loyalist feeling in, i. 115, 116; on the conduct of Gage, i. 127; and independence, i. 188; declares for independence, i. 194; forts on the Hudson, i. 216; centre of operations, i. 261; campaign in New York reviewed, ii. 2, 3; Cow-boys and Skinners, ii. 221.
New York (city), Stamp Act congress at, i. 21; on non-importation, i. 73; Sons of Liberty propose Continental Congress, i. 104; arrival of Washington, and of Howe, i. 189; centre of operations, i. 201, 204; taken by Howe, i. 214; harbour frozen, ii. 93.
"Ninety-Six," village known as, ii. 182; Cornwallis in danger of losing, ii. 252; abandoned by Lord Rawdon, ii. 262.
Non-importation agreement broken by New York, i. 73; wrath of the other colonies, i. 73.
Norfolk taken, i. 179.
North Carolina, Regulators, i. 75; Scots in,,i. 176; declares for independence, i. 177; aids General Lincoln, ii. 168; Cornwallis invades, ii. 244; Greene's campaign, and battle of Guilford, ii. 256-260.
North, Lord, declines to enter Grafton ministry, i. 29; succeeds Townshend, i. 46; on the tea duty, i. 61; prime minister, i. 72; on the Boston Tea Party, i. 93; his five acts passed, i. 95; Duke of Richmond on, i. 100; listens to a speech by Burke, i. 276; gives notice of conciliating the Americans, ii. 4; reads repeal of Tea Act, ii. 7; implores George III. to form new ministry, ii. 12; his conciliatory bills burned, ii. 23; resigns, ii. 289.
Ogden, Captain, seeks to have André exchanged for Arnold, ii. 231.
Oliver, the stamp officer, handed in effigy, i. 23.
Oneidas crushed by Brant, ii. 93.
Oriskany, battle of, i. 289.
Otis, James, on writs of assistance, i. 13; his "Vindication," i. 14; suggests the Stamp Act congress, i. 21; favours representation in Parliament, i. 34; on Hillsborough's order to rescind the circular letter, i. 50; assault by Robinson on, i. 65; Bunker Hill, i. 143; first Revolutionary period begins with resistance of, ii. 1.
Oxford University, address on America, i. 163.
Paine, Robert Treat, chosen to Continental Congress, i. 105.
Paine, Thomas, his "Age of Reason," i. 173; "Common Sense," i. 174; and "The Crisis," i. 229.
Paine, Timothy, compelled to resign as councillor, i. 106.
Panin, Count, wishes to protect minor powers against England, ii. 145; advises Catherine in her code for maritime commerce, ii. 148.
Parker, Captain John, at Lexington, i. 122.
Parker, Sir Peter, to cooperate with Clinton, i. 176; at Charleston, i. 199.
Parliament, gives financial aid to the colonies, i. 15; right of, to tax colonies without consent denied, i. 16; debate on the repeal of the Stamp Act, i. 25; asserts its rights in the
Declaratory Act, i. 27; suspends New York assembly, i. 32 : relation to the colonies, i. 34; colonial representation, i. 34; Whig leaders, i. 42; receives news of the Boston Tea Party, i. 93; passes Lord North's five acts, i. 95; debates on Chatham's bill of 1774, i. 111; and Franklin, i. 113, 114; opposition to hiring German troops, i. 161; act to close American ports, i. 175; on the employment of Indiana, i. 276.Page 302
Parsons' Cause, and Patrick Henry, i. 18.
Patterson, Colonel, and Washington, i. 203.
Paulding, John, captures André, ii. 223.
Pearson, Captain, of the Serapis, ii. 124, 126.
Penn, Richard, carries a petition to the king, i. 159.
Pennsylvania, advises payment for tea, i. 103; proprietary government opposes independence, i. 185; lukewarm supporter of Declaration of Independence, i. 261; Charles Lee on, i. 302; rivalry of, and Virginia, ii. 95; and Arnold, ii. 212; meeting of troops, ii. 240.
Percy, Lord, at Lexington, i. 124; ordered to storm Dorchester Heights, i. 171; at Harlem Heights, i. 217; sent to Newport, i. 228; in Rhode Island, ii. 73.
Peters, Richard, letter to Gates, ii. 186.
Philadelphia, panic at, i. 228; Charles Lee advises the capture of, i. 302; British enter, i. 317; Arnold in command at, ii. 206, 207.
Phillips, General, takes Ticonderoga, i. 269; death of, ii. 270.
Pickens, Colonel Andrew, hangs Tory prisoners, ii. 168; at the Cowpens, ii. 255.
Pickering, Colonel, at Lexington, i. 125.
Pigott, General, i. 140; supersedes Prescott, ii. 75; tries to storm Butts Hill, ii. 79.
Pitcairn, Major, at Lexington, i. 122; his death, i. 143.
Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham, urges repeal of Stamp Act, i. 26; and passage of Declaratory Act, i. 26; becomes Earl of Chatham, i. 28; urges Townshend's dismissal, i. 29; head of New Whigs, i. 42; and George III., i. 43; Chatham on first Continental Congress, i. 111; withdraws his son from the army, i. 160; hopes for conciliation, ii. 6; the hope of England, ii. 12; probable plans for America, ii. 15; last speech in House of Lords, ii. 16; dies, ii. 17; character of, ii. 18; likened to Charlemagne, ii. 20; Horace Walpole on, ii. 21.
Pittsburgh, the "Gateway of the West," ii. 95.
Point Pleasant, battle of, on Great Kanawha, ii. 100.
Pompton, mutiny at, ii. 242.
Porterfield, Colonel, ii. 188; death of, ii. 190.
Portland, burning of, i. 163; effects upon Congress, i. 164.
Port Royal, British attempt to capture, ii. 168.
Portsmouth and Norfolk sacked, ii. 110.
Potemkin, Prince, ii. 144.
Prerogative, royal, how upheld, i. 3.
Prescott, Colonel, i. 137; at New York, i. 206; withdraws from Governor's Island, i. 212.
Prescott, British general, captured in Rhode Island, ii. 59; at Newport, ii. 74.
Preston, Captain, and the Boston Massacre, i. 67.
Prevost, General Augustine, ii. 166; captures Sunbury, ii. 167; his vandalism, ii. 169; result of campaign, ii. 173.
Princeton, Cornwallis at, i. 231.
Provincial Congress, i. 109.
Pulaski, Count, i. 242; aids General Moultrie, ii. 173; death, ii. 175.
Putnam, Israel, leaves his plough, i. 126; fortifies Bunker Hill, i. 139; character of, i. 151; at Brooklyn Heights, i. 206; quits New York, i. 214.
Quakers, oppose independence, i. 185; hanged for treason, ii. 59.
Quebec, Arnold's assault upon, i. 167. Quebec Act, i. 97; influence on Canada, i. 169; ii. 101.
Quincy, Josiah, defends soldiers engaged in Boston Massacre, i. 72.
Rahl, Colonel, killed at Trenton i., 230.
Randolph, Peyton, made President of Continental Congress, i. 110; called back to Virginia, i. 132.
Rawdon, Lord, ii. 176; at Camden, ii. 188-192; leaves Camden, ii. 264; aids Ninety-Six, ii. 265; goes to England, ii. 265.
Reed, General Joseph, charges against Arnold at Philadelphia, ii. 210, 211; mutiny of troops, ii. 241.
Regulating Act, i. 95; set at defiance, i. 105, 106.
"Regulators," i. 75.
Revere, Paul, his picture of the Boston Massacre, i. 72; carries news of the Tea Party to Philadelphia, i. 90;
sent to Boston by Congress, i. 110; gives the alarm, i. 121.Page 303
Revolution, the, and the conduct of George III., i. 44; turbulence of Boston, i. 53; why delayed, i. 56; hastened in 1772, i. 77; four periods of, ii. 1-3; cardinal events in, ii. 108; need of a navy, ii. 117.
Rhode Island, cruise of the Gaspee, i. 76; number of men at siege of Boston, i. 147; declares for independence, i. 181; Rochambeau on, ii. 203.
Richmond, Duke of, i. 100; desires Chatham in power, ii. 13; moves peace on any terms, ii. 16; replies to Chatham, ii. 17.
Ridgefield, fight at, i. 259.
Riedesel, Baron, with Burgoyne, i. 268; at Hubbardton, i. 270; opposes crossing the Hudson, i. 326.
Riedesel, Baroness, at Saratoga, i. 334, 337; and the Schuylers, i. 338, 339.
Robertson, Lieut.-General, pleads for André's life, ii. 230.
Robertson, James, penetrates wilderness, ii. 102; defeats Cherokees, ii. 103; settles Nashville, ii. 107.
Robinson, his assault on Otis, i. 65.
Rochambeau, Count, arrives at Newport, ii. 203, 204; Sir Henry Clinton desires that the case of André be submitted to, ii. 230; goes to Virginia, ii. 277; picture of, at Versailles, ii. 284.
Rockingham, Lord, prime minister, i. 25; goes out of office, i.28; leader of the Whigs, i. 42; protest at the measures of 1774, i. 100; denounces commissioners' manifesto, ii. 24; prime minister, ii. 289.
Rodney, Sir George, ii. 137; at Gibraltar, and in the West Indies, ii. 137; captures St. Eustatius, ii. 157; brutality of, ii. 160; commands flotilla on Hudson, ii. 217; final defeat of Grasse, ii. 288.
Rotch, and the tea-ships, i. 85, 91.
Rowe, John, and the tea-ships, i. 89.
Royal Greens, a famous Tory regiment, i. 286.
Rush, Benjamin, i. 174..
Russia, and England, ii. 143; and Spain, ii. 148.
Rutledge, Edward, moves to postpone Declaration of Independence, i. 184.
Rutledge, Governor, upholds Colonel Moultrie, i. 199; aids at Briar Creek, ii. 169.
St. Clair, General, i. 257; abandons Ticonderoga, i. 269; John Adams on, i. 271.
St. Eustatius, island in West Indies, ii. 153; Rodney ordered to seize, ii. 157; capture of, ii. 159,
St. John's, taken by Arnold, i. 131; taken by Montgomery, i. 165.
St. Leger, Colonel, to take Fort Stanwix, i. 262; advance of, i. 285; flight of, i. 295.
Saint-Simon, Marquis de, joins Lafayette, ii. 279.
Salem, Mass., made seat of government, i. 95.
Sandwich, Lord, believes Americans cowards, i. 100.
Saratoga campaign, i. 299; consequence of, ii. 4; results of the victory, ii. 209.
"Saratoga, Convention of," used by British historians, i. 337.
Savannah, Georgia, taken by British under Campbell, ii. 167; assault by Lincoln and Estaing, ii. 174.
Scarborough, Countess of, ship, ii. 124, 127.
Schuyler, Philip, i. 116; on Cambridge Common, i. 151; sends aid to Washington, i. 225; hated by his New England troops, i. 253; intrigues of Gates, i. 256; evacuates Fort Edward, i. 273; and Arnold, i. 293; superseded by Gates, i. 296; country-house burned, i. 332; receives General Burgoyne and Baroness Riedesel, i. 338; letters to Arnold, ii. 217.
Scotchmen, in South Carolina, ii. 165.
Scott, Sir Walter, on Paul Jones at the Frith of Forth, ii. 124.
Senecas, country of, laid waste, ii. 92.
Serapis, fight with the Bon Homme Richard, ii. 125.
Sevier, John, defeats Cherokees at Watauga, ii. 103; at the battle of King's Mountain, ii. 246, 247.
Shelburne, Lord, ii. 22.
Shelby, Colonel, overwhelms Cherokees, ii. 107.
Shelby, Isaac, at King's Mountain, ii. 246, 247.
Sherlock, Bishop of London, clergy complain about soldiers to, i. 19.
Shippen, Margaret, ii. 208; marries Arnold, ii. 211.
Shirley, General, urges a union of colonies, i. 11; his influence with the Lords of Trade, i. 12; urges taxation, i. 12.
Six Nations, i. 7; on side of Crown, ii. 85.
Skene, Major, an American loyalist, i. 281.
Smallwood, at battle of Long Island, i. 209; at Germantown, i. 321.
Smith, Lieut.-Colonel, sent to Lexington, i. 121.
Smith, Adam, favours representation in Parliament, i. 34.
Smith, Joshua, and André, journey toward White Plains, ii. 218-722; Washington meets Smith, ii. 225.
Sons of Liberty opposed to Stamp Act, i. 23.Page 304
South Carolina, helps Boston, i. 103; slaves in, ii. 164; Scotchmen in, ii. 165; wrath at advice of Congress to arm negroes, ii. 171; Clinton's proclamation, ii. 180; disorders in, ii. 181; Greene's campaign, ii. 262.
Spain, relations to France and England, ii. 131; treaty with France, ii. 134; attempts invasion of England, ii. 136; and neutrals, ii. 139.
Stamp Act, i. 16; the colonies protest, i. 17; Franklin's views after its passage, i. 18; its reception in New York and Boston, i. 18; Patrick Henry in Virginia, i. 18; congress at New York, i. 21; resistance in Boston, i. 23; Stamp Act repealed, i. 27.
Stanhope, Lord, on André's sentence, ii. 232.
Stark, John, i. 126; arrives at Bunker Hill, i. 139; on Cambridge Common, i. 149; pledges his private fortune to pay the army, i. 244; at Bennington, i. 281.
Stedman, British historian, on Anthony Wayne, ii. 113.
Stephen's brigade at Germantown, i. 322, 323.
Steuben, Baron von, character of, ii. 50; comes to America, ii. 51; presented with a farm, ii. 53; drills soldiers, ii. 54; at Monmouth, ii. 65; on André, ii. 229; on the sentence of André, ii. 233; in Virginia, ii. 25i.
Stevens, General, joins General Gates at battle of Camden, ii. 189, 191.
Stirling, Lord, i. 207; informs Washington of the duplicity of Gates, ii. 40; at Saratoga, ii. 277.
Stone, W. L., his version of Jenny McCrea's death, i. 278.
Stony Point, stormed, ii. 55; captured by Clinton, ii. 111; stormed by Anthony Wayne, ii. 112; evacuated, ii. 113.
Stormont, Lord, ii. 147.
Strachey, Sir Henry, possesses documents showing Charles Lee's treason, i. 302.
Stuart, Colonel, ii. 265; at Eutaw Springs, ii. 266.
Suffolk County Resolves, i. 108.
Sullivan, John, i. 149; retreats from Canada, i. 168; at battle of Long Island, i. 208; sent by Howe to Congress, i. 212; at Trenton, i. 229; at Morristown, i. 310;. at the Brandywine, i. 313, 315; at Germantown, i. 320; seizes Butts Hill, ii. 76; vexed at Estaing, ii. 77; volunteers leave him, ii. 78; expedition against Iroquois, ii. 91; returns to New Jersey, ii. 93.
Sullivan's Island, defended by Moultrie, i. 199.
Sumner, Charles, assault by Brooks, compared to that upon Otis, i. 65.
Sumter, Thomas, ii. 184; defeated by Tarleton, ii. 195; defeats Tarleton at Blackstock Hill, ii. 249.
Sunbury, captured by General Prevost, ii. 167.
Tallmadge, Major Benjamin, and André, ii. 224, 228.
Tarleton, Colonel Banastre, ii. 177; defeats Buford, ii. 178; at Camden, ii. 192; defeats Sumter, ii. 195; at Blackstock Hill, ii. 249; at battle of the Cowpens, ii. 254; attempts to capture Thomas Jefferson, ii. 271.
Tarrytown, capture of André, ii. 222.
Tea, the tax on, i. 82, 83; tea-ship arrives in Boston, i. 85; meeting in the Old South Church, i. 86; ships under guard, i. 87; final plans, i. 89; Boston Tea Party, i. 90; action at Charleston, i. 91; at Philadelphia, i. 91; John Adams on the Tea Party, i. 91; Lecky and Green, i. 91; Gordon, i. 92; Lord North, i. 93; General Gage, i. 94.
Tennessee, settlement of, ii. 102.
Ternay, Admiral, ii. 200; arrives at Newport, ii. 203.
Thirty Years' War, ii. 19.
Thomson, Charles, his opinion of the Stamp Act, i. 18.
Throg's Neck, Howe moves upon, i. 217.
Thurlow, Lord, in North ministry, i. 73; on the Quebec Act, i. 97.
Ticonderoga, and Crown Point, i. 129; capture of, i. 131; garrisoning, i. 133; taken by General Phillips, i. 269.
Tories, support George III., i. 41; receive news from Saratoga, ii. 8; go to New York ii. 58; indicted for treason, ii. 59; flee to Canada, ii. 85; savage deeds of, ii. 86; intend to assassinate Schuyler, ii. 94; opposed to Congress making an alliance with France, ii. 208.
Town meetings, in the Regulating Act, i. 96.
Townshend, Charles, his knowledge of American affairs, i. 14, 28; joins Grafton ministry, i. 28; plans to tax America, i. 29; compared with Beaconsfield, i. 36; death, i. 38.
Townshend Acts, i. 29, 30; their purpose, i. 31; how regarded in England, i. 32, 33; Dickinson on, i. 47; opposition to, i. 49; Pownall moves their repeal, i. 61, 71.
Trenton, attack upon, i. 229.
Trumbull, Governor, on Lord Howe's circular letter, i. 204.Page 305
Trumbull, Colonel Joseph, made commissariat, ii. 28.
Tryon, Governor, defeats the Regulators, i. 75; his plot discovered, i. 190; at Danbury and Ridgefield, i. 259; raids coast of Connecticut, ii. 110.
Turgot and Franklin, i. 240.
Union of colonies, planned, i. 5; weakness of sentiment for, in 1755, i. 6; and Albany Congress, i. 7; Franklin's plan in 1754, i. 10.
Valcour Island, battle of, i. 251. Valley Forge, i. 324; sufferings at, ii. 29.
Vattel and Bynkershoek, on maritime law, ii. 140.
Vaughan, General, at St. Eustatius, ii. 159.
Venango, Washington's mission to, i. 134.
Venn, on the Boston Tea Party, i. 93.
Vergennes, on the battle of Bunker Hill, i. 146; desire to aid America, i. 239; and Steuben, ii. 51, 80; and Spain, ii. 131, 133.
Vermont, i. 254, 274.
Vincennes, captured by Hamilton, and recaptured by Clark, ii. 106.
"Vindex," letters of, i. 60.
Viomenil, Baron de, at Yorktown, ii. 282.
Virginia, liberties in, i. 4; and the Stamp Act, i. 18; not represented at the congress in New York, i. 21; resolutions of, 1769, i. 64; committees of correspondence, i. 80; Lord Dunmore's proclamation, i. 178; declares for independence, i. 180; Cornwallis in, ii. 269.
Voltaire and Franklin, i. 240.
Vulture, sloop-of-war, ii. 218.
Walpole, Horace, on the king's joy at the fall of Ticonderoga, i. 271; thinks America at the feet of England, ii. 178.
Walpole, Sir Robert, laughs at plan for taxing the colonies, i. 4; a wise prime minister, i. 39.
Ward, Artemas, i. 136; and Bunker Hill, i. 142.
Warner, Colonel Seth, takes Crown Point, i. 131; at Hubbardton, i. 270, 282; at Bennington, i. 284.
Warren, Joseph, i. 107; his Suffolk County resolves, i. 108; 5th of March oration, i. 118, 131; president of Provincial Congress, i. 136; reply to Elbridge Gerry, i.139; his death, i. 14,
Washington, George, i. 55; and relief of Boston, i. 103; chosen commander-in-chief, i. 133; Patrick Henry on, i. 135; comes to Cambridge, i. 147; reorganizes the army, i. 155; seizes Dorchester Heights, i. 170; at New York, i. 189; and Lord Howe, i. 202; outwits General Howe at Brooklyn Heights, i. 211; at White Plains, i. 217; abandons Forts Washington and Lee, i. 218; the retreat, i. 224; attack upon Trenton, i. 229; defeats Cornwallis's reinforcements from Princeton, i. 233; proclamation to the loyalists, i. 236; "the American Fabius," i. 237; Congress increases his authority, i. 246, 247 hostages for Lee's safety, i. 300; foils Howe in New Jersey, i. 306; on Howe and Burgoyne, i. 310; reasons for offering Howe battle, i. 312; Brandywine, i. 313; granted extraordinary powers, i. 317; detains Howe, i. 317; on Burgoyne's army, i. 339; pay for officers, ii. 27; at Valley Forge, ii. 29; letter to Gates, ii. 33; accused of Fabian policy, ii. 36; detects Gates, ii. 40; forged letters attributed to, ii. 43; increasing popularity, ii. 48; desires to cripple Sir Henry Clinton, ii. 59; at Monmouth, ii. 63; stops the retreat, ii. 64; reply to Lee's letter, ii. 66; arrests Lee, ii. 67; encamps at White Plains, ii. 72; cordon about Manhattan Island, ii. 81; sends troops to Fort Niagara, ii. 90; on arming of negroes, ii. 170, 185; letter to Huntington on the army, ii. 200; order to reprimand Arnold, ii. 214, 217; and Arnold's flight, ii. 224, 227; to Clinton concerning André, ii. 229; conference with Rochambeau, ii. 273; his plans for Yorktown, ii. 275; transfers his army to Virginia, ii. 277; the surrender of Cornwallis, ii. 282; character of, ii. 290.
Washington, William, ii. 251, 252; at the Cowpens, ii. 255; at Guilford, ii. 259.
Watson, George, appointed king's councillor, i. 106.
Watts, Major, at the battle of Oriskany, i. 288.
Wayne, Anthony, at the battle of the Brandywine, i. 313, 317; at Germantown, i. 322; storms Stony Point, ii. 112; mutiny of troops, ii. 240; in Georgia, ii. 289.
Waxhaws, Tarleton's army at, ii. 178.
Webster, Colonel James, at the battle of Camden, ii. 191.
Webster, Pelatiah, on paper currency, ii. 197.
Wells, Mrs., Samuel Adams's daughter, i. 48.
Wentworth, Governor, popularity of, i. 157.
West Point, Arnold in command of, ii. 216; plot to surrender, ii. 219.
Weymouth, Lord, and Florida Blanca, ii. 133.
Whigs, control Parliament, i. 41; opposed by George III., i. 42; Rockingham Whigs favour independence, ii. 6.
White Plains, Washington moves to, i. 217.
Wickes, Lambert, and his ship Reprisal, ii. 120.
Wilkinson, Major James, aid to General Gates, i. 226, 250.
Willett, Colonel Marinus, hoists the first stars and stripes, i. 291, 293.
Williams, Colonel James, at Musgrove's Mills, ii. 195, 245.
Williamson, Andrew, and Rutherford defeat Cherokees, ii. 103.
Wilmington, Cornwallis goes to, ii. 260.
Wooster, General, killed, i. 259.
Worcester, assize at, i. 108.
Wraxall, tells effect in England of defeat at Yorktown, ii. 285.
Wright, Sir James, royal governor, ii. 169.
Writs of assistance, James Otis on, i. 12; legalized by Townshend Acts, i. 30.
Wyandot Panther, a famous sachem, i. 277.
Wyoming valley, settled, ii. 87; massacre in, ii. 88; "Shades of Death," ii. 89.
Yellow Creek, massacre at, ii. 98.
Yorktown, ii. 3; campaign, ii. 244; Cornwallis surrounded, ii. 280; the surrender ii. 282; the news in England and France, ii. 285, 286; British statesmen on the surrender, ii. 286.